Chapter 48

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After their dinner at In N Out Selena suggested going to their childhood park. It was pretty late, kids started heading home with their parents. They were halfway into sunset, mosquitoes started coming out at this time when they arrived to the park.

They walked into the playground, through the sandy area and to the swings. She ran to the swing set like a kid, Nick smiles joining her on the swing next to hers. 

"Nick, push me!" she whines when she saw him about to sit down on the swing next to her.

He chuckles, getting up and starts pushing her on the swing. After a few seconds of silence, he finally had the courage to ask her what was up. Why was she so friendly? Why is she so calm and not mad? Why isn't she throwing a fit or ignoring him?

"Sel? What--why aren't angry at me? Why aren't you angry at me for lying to you--or even for the affair?" he questions.

Selena simply shrugs, "I am mad at you, but what's done is done. We should just move on from that."

"You w-want to move on?" he stopped pushing her as that has really shocked him, he didn't expect that type of a response from her. "You're forgiving me?"

She stops the swing and turns to face him, "I don't remember what happened in our relationship before the accident, but for whatever reason you chose her at our worst time, I hope that it wasn't because you love her--"

"Definitely not!" he buds in, he kneels down on his knees despite the dirty sand that kids ran over, he holds on to her hand, "I only love you, it's cliché but you're the only one I love."

She stares at him silently as she tries to digest everything that he is saying. Her eyes bounce side to side as she stares at his hopeful face. 


Feeling convinced by his words she lets out a huge sigh and holds his hand, "Nick let's go home, I'm tired."

He gets off his knees and holds her hand as they walk back to his car down a few blocks. He didn't know what this means, is he forgiven? She did not give him a definite answer. But talking with one another is a good start, and at least they are still holding hands.

When he opened his mouth to speak she told him to be quiet as she wanted this drive home to be a quiet one. It was a silent ride home, she enjoyed the sounds of just the engine roaring and the sound of their heartbeats. While Nick continuously glanced over to see if she has fallen asleep.

Elvis came lunging towards Selena when they entered the house.

"Hey boy!" Selena giggles as he licks her cheeks, she guides him into the living room to turn on the TV. "Let's watch a movie."

Elvis lies down on their white rug while Selena waited for Nick to join her on the couch. She stares at him for a minute and pats the empty seat next to her, gesturing for him to sit. He finally comes forward and joins her on the couch. 

He just stared at her unusual routine. It was strange that she wasn't freaking out and yelling at him. The accident probably hit her hard, so hard she changed.

Selena moves forward and picks up the remote, she starts surfing through the million channels to find a good movie. After a few minutes she gives up and turns on Netflix.

"What movie is there to watch?" she pouts, then turning to her husband, "Nick?"

"Huh?" he was way too concentrated in his thoughts to realize the TV was on, "Oh, uhm whatever you like."

"Okay," she says brightly, she turns on a romantic-comedy, This Is 40 and leans back. "Demi told me this movie is pretty funny."

"Oh yea?" he puts an arm around her and continues to watch her strange actions play. He tries to weave it off and denies her weirdness. He was already tired from the long day, so halfway into the movie he was already dead asleep on her shoulder.

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