Chapter 10

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Nick chases down the stairs for her, but Selena was already getting her purse and slipping on her shoes. The tears were falling uncontrollably, she wipes some off but more tears continues to spill.

He hated himself for that mistake. But most of all, he hated being the reason for her tears.

"Babe, please don't go, its dark and late out," he pleads, holding onto her wrist but she flings it off.

"Y-you should've t-thought of that when you c-cheated," the last word took everything of her to say it alloud and sure as hell she was broken and furious.

"I know, but I was drunk and our marriage felt like it was falling and--"

"BULL SHIT!" She cries, and turns the knob, "You know what Nick? You threw away our love..."

She slams the door shut, he was going to go after her. But he figured it would just ignite the fire in her, he lets her go. He hears her car tires scrape the driveway.

"Idiot Nick," he hisses at himself, and going to sit on the couch thinking which idiot of his friends took that photo.

The tears made everything blurry, but that didn't stop her. For some reason out of all places she finds herself on her mother-in-law's porch. If she went to her mom, she would say 'I told you so' then get mad at Nick, Demi... she wouldn't even say a word and go beat the crap out of him, and Miley? Same as Demi.

Denise looked tired, followed by her husband behind, she was shocked to see Selena, crying. "Dear Lord, Selena what's going on?"

She just sobbed and went into Denise's arms, "N-Nick cheated..."

Denise brings the poor girl into her arms, "Shh.. come in, I'll speak to that rascal later."

Selena follows her in, she takes a seat with them in the living room. Frankie walks out tiredly with his i-pod in his ear, he delivers a glass cup of water to her.

"Here sis," he yawns and goes back upstairs.

"Thanks Frankie," her eyes were puffy and red, she waited to hear his door close.

"What happened?" his dad asks, he sat across from Selena and Denise was next to her, in case of more tears.

"I heard his phone ring, then Ian thought I was Nick and tells him to delete a photo on his phone before I see it, obviously I got check," she felt the tears come up again, but she didn't sob so much like before, it was just tears, "And there were pictures of Nick kissing this girl..."

"And you were sure it was Nick?" Denise ask, through her gritted teeth, she was disappointed and mostly angry with her son. Selena nods.

"This son... we are terribly sorry Selena," his father apologizes but Selena shakes her head.

"No, no... it's not your faults at all," she shakes her head, then a small smile crept to her face, "But I do have a good news...."

They turned to her eager to know what it was.

"I'm pregnant."

'Oh my God!" Denise squeals like a young girl, she immediately wraps her arms around Selena. "I'm so happy for you..."

Selena smiles, embracing the warmth, Paul comes over, sandwiching Selena between them. It felt like what her parents used to do to her, but it was surprisingly her parents-in-law that took on the role.

"Don't worry Selena, we'll support you throughout any decisions you make." Paul says, and pulls away.

"Thank you, is it okay if I ask for one favour?"

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