Chapter 13

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Nick stayed in the hospital for two nights intervals waiting for his wife to be home. She was getting discharged today, he went to fill in all the forms while Demi helped her get around. She was beyond pissed to see her sister forgiving this jerk so easily.

"What are you going to do?" Demi asks her sister as she packs her clothes into a small duffle bag.

"What do you mean?" Selena walks back out from the private washroom she had dressed up in a light cardigan and leggings.

"With Nick, which by the way, I am absolutely still pissed off at him."

Selena sighs, sitting down on the unfinished bed, "I'm pregnant Demi, I have to care about the baby."

"You aren't obligated to stay with him Selena, you will always have our support," her sister tells her, caressing her into her arms.

"I don't know Dems, I've always pictured Nick and me to have our perfect little family," she feels a the weak smile fade.

"Well just know, you are never alone, you'll have our support," Demi smiles.

"I know, thanks Dems," she pulls her sister in for another hug and as if on cue, Nick enters the room. Already hearing their conversation made his heart wrench.

Demi glared at him seeing him come in.

"Hey ready to head home?" Nick asked, attempting to help her, instead she ignores his gesture.

"Yea," she looks at Demi and links arms with her, "let's go Dems."

Demi was a bit shocked, she knows her sister wasn't so headstrong like this and she knew she was trying to fight against herself right now. But she just played along and walked out to the parking lot where Nick's car was; he just followed behind silently.

He puts the duffle bag into the trunk and waits for Selena to get in, Demi had her own ride. She was actually heading back to Joe's, the girls parted ways and Selena got into the car with Nick.

It was sure the most painful 20 minute drive home. She pretended to rest her eyes the whole way, and Nick just drove, drowning into the pain of awkwardness. They enter the house and immediately Elvis runs over to Selena, snuggling her legs.

"Hey boy," she giggles, embracing their golden retriever as the dog licks her face making her laugh, "I missed you too."

Nick shuffles in, bringing in her bag, "Do you want something to eat? Or sleep?"

Elvis barks, Selena laughs to the dog, "Not you silly," then walking away, "I'm going to head to bed."

He sighs and just lets her go. He turns to the living room, just to be faced with the piling garbage and dirty dishes in the sink. He begins to clean up as Selena went to bed. Elvis comes back down after 20 minutes, he snuggles next to Nick on the couch who was done cleaning.

The tv was on and his favourite sport was on he was watching but not paying attention. He didn't know how to redeem himself this time, it wasn't something that could be recovered by a dinner date.

Elvis tugs on his leg, catching Nick off guard.

"What's up bud?" He looks at his pup, petting against his ears. But Elvis just drags him to the bottom of the stairs and pushes Nick on the shin by his nose. Nick gives him a weak smile, petting him, "thanks man."

With that he walks upstairs to their bedroom, Selena was sound asleep hugging onto a pillow. She snuggled close to the blanket, Nick softly died on the bed next to her. He stares down at the beauty in front, feeling the remorse sensation flush through him.

"I'm sorry," he pecks her puffy moist cheek, feeling the evidence of tears kiss his lips. She stirs a little in her sleep, rolling over to him, he brushes her hair away lightly. A vibrational sensation shook his pockets, he retrieved it quickly.

Caller ID: Zac.

He looked at Selena before picking it up then finally picking it up in a whisper tone, "hello?"

"YO my home boy, tonight at Taylor's," he hears the alcohol speak on the behalf of him.

Nick just sighs, "Dude can't, Selena just got discharged today..."

"Seriously? C'mon bro it would be a relief from stress," Zac pleads, "just like old times."

"You're drunk Zac, but I can't anyways... She's pregnant," Nick says, looking down at Selena again.

"Fine, whatever." Zac grunts and just hangs up, leaving Nick with a sigh. He knew his friends inside out, Zac was intoxicated by alcohol and he wasn't in the right state of mind. Nick wasn't mad at him, but he hated himself.

A felt of moisture smacks his hands as the tear trickles down Selena's cheek. He knew she heard the conversations then, he wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry babe," Nick bends down and kisses her tear, leaving his lips linger her small face.

Her eyes flutter open, revealing the tears that glistens her eyes, "Nick-"

"I've lost your trust, I know, but don't give up on me," he speaks onto her cheek, "I love you... I love you..."

Selena pulls away a little, "that's passed tense."

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