Chapter 15

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That night, Selena fell asleep in Nick's arm after another hour of crying, it must've been the hormones. But they felt good to be snuggling in bed again, something that's become a strange thing to do. The last time they remember snuggling was probably last Christmas when Selena and Nick had just put up their Christmas tree and had Kevin's children sleep over.

The next morning she felt the morning illness take over her body as she burst out of bed to the washroom, spilling out her dinner from last night. Nick noticed the empty embrace in him and hurried to her in the washroom. Again, Selena pushes him away.

"Baby, I smell bad," she pouts,holding her chest as she pukes.

"Hey I want to be here for every single step, and this is part of it," he smiles, holding her hair back for her and gently rubbing her back.

Selena finishes up and goes to rinse her mouth, Nick joins her, wrapping and arm around her as he brushes from behind. He tries to smile with the toothbrush in his mouth when catching his wife grinning as she spits out the toothpaste to rinse with water. He rubs on her tummy and gives a slight groan.

"Nicholas, that his highly inappropriate in front of baby. Jonas," Selena giggles, cleaning her face with a washcloth.

He rinses his toothpaste out beside her, "Baby Jonas is just getting a preview of his parents' daily routine."

Selena nudges him, "Don't teach him to be a pervert!"

"I'm not," he laughs, hugging her and walking out the washroom not letting her go, "What do you want for breakfast babe?"

"Hmm... Bacon and syrup!" She says excitedly as they headed downstairs.

He gives his wife a weird look, "Baby please tell me that is a pregnancy craving?"

She just giggles and kisses him as she runs downstairs to meet Elvis. He ran over to Nick and Selena from his bed, barking and leaning down for them to pet him. She giggles and bends down to hug him as Nick goes to the kitchen to make some breakfast for them.

"Hey boy, are you hungry?" Selena asks him, petting his head and kissing his nose. Elvis releases a sweet whimper making Selena laugh, "Oh looks like a big breakfast for you eh?"

Nick chuckles, seeing how loving Selena is treating Elvis. Not like she wasn't before but perhaps its because he knows she's going to be a mother soon, this must've made her seem more motherly, it showed off another beautiful aspect of her.

He placed a few strips of bacon on the pan as he pulled out some orange juice for himself and milk for Selena. She walks over, hugging him from the side and pouring herself some water first.

"What's the schedule today?" She asks him.

"Work, then coming straight home to see my beautiful wife and our baby," he smiles cheekily at her and ducks down for a kiss, it made her blush. She was beginning to enjoy the efforts he was putting into the family now. But she just hopes this is both for actually loving her and the baby, not just because they were pregnant.

"Hmm okay," she nods, "and maybe some alone time when you get home..." She says seductively.

It drove him wild when she speaks in that tone but he knows it was her hormones taking over her mind because the real Selena would normally just ask to snuggle by the couch and maybe watch some old classic films or the Vow when he gets home. Well, there are those days when she would speak to him like that, but she was rather the seldom and mature one that enjoys these romantic candle light dinner than getting in bed for some alone time.

He plays along, not wanting to aggravate her emotions, "Sounds delightful, I'll be looking for that after work."

After breakfast, both of them get into their cars for work. But because Selena's car happens to break down, Nick had to drive her to work instead. Some students were already filing their way into the school, but Selena has just arrived, greeting her colleagues and parents that were dropping off their children.

Nick made sure she got into school before driving off. He just smiles, feeling that their relationship was finally coming smooth again. He gets to work, and soon greeted by the familiar girl from the party if he recalls.

He pulls her aside from the offices and into an empty meeting room, he quickly pulls down the blinds. He turns to beautiful brunette with angry and cold stares.

"What are you doing here?" He hisses at her.

"I heard your wife is pregnant, I'm just here to drop off a congratulations," she responds in a surprisingly sweet tone, he didn't know how to react to that for a minute there.

"Excuse me?" He asks.

She giggles, "Let me formally introduce myself, I'm Olivia and I'm your new assistant."

It's like his world is completely shaken, he was confused. This girl that was a flirty wit at the party suddenly became so innocent and miss goody-two-shoes like is a complete 360 degrees turn for him.

"Uh, say what now?" He asks, obviously confused, "you're my new assistant? What happened to my old one?"

"Got transferred I think so I got the job!" She shrugs, "well I'll be settling in at my desk if you need anything boss!"

With that she was gone out the door.

Was this a coincidence or was that woman stalking him to ruin his marriage? Honestly at this point he felt like she was some stalker that was hunting him down. And this isn't a Ben him being cocky.

Right off the bat to calm himself down, he dials for Selena's number.

"Okay so everyone please start on your pumpkin decorations, I want to see the scariest looking one!" She giggles, just as she was speaking, a vibrating sound buzzed from her desk.

She was up almost panicking to pick up that the phone, "Babe, I'm teaching a lesson right now."

"I know, but I just wanted to hear your voice," Nick says so sweetly, her heart almost fluttered hearing that.

"Thats sweet," she smiles at their picture on her desk, "Shouldn't you be in a meeting right now?"

"Yea the meeting got pushed to--" he was cut off by her scream.

"Oh my god, Evan!!" Was the last thing he heard her say before the line went dead.

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