Chapter 39

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The girls didn't know what happened before the accident. They said the entire family was too distracted by my condition at the time since I was in the ICU and all, they didn't bother questioning Nick about the accident.

I didn't bother to ask more because trying hard to remember the past is hurting my head again. We finished spa by 2:30 sharp.

We walked out the busy streets in the core of the business district. I guess lunch hour wasn't completely over, I hope to see Nick around since his building was only around the corner.

"Hey, I'm going to go get the car, you guys wait here?" Demi checks with both Miley and I, who were dumbfounded by the traffic.

"Yeup," we said in unison.

Demi nods and turns away to get the car, it would be easier to leave from Bay St. to the highway anyways. We waited by a bench as Demi went to get her car, I purposely went to the bench closer towards Nick's building. I sat down and patted the seat next to me for Miley.

She walks over squinting her eyes with a smirk on her face, "You totally sat here because you know Nick comes out for his coffee break at this time."

I gasped, "What? No, it's more breezy on this end." I lied as I tried to hide my blushing cheeks.

"It's totally okay Sel—" Miley was interrupted by a man with blond hair and blue eyes who came up to us. Make it two, it was Miley's boyfriend and... CHACE?

"Oh my God, CHACE!" I nearly shrieked as I fell into his arms.

"H-Hey," he laughs, hugging me back, "What are you doing here?"

"I came with the girls for a spa day," I nodded over to Miley who was giving Liam a kiss on the cheek.

"Ahh.." he smiles and gives a small wave to Miley.

"How about you? I haven't seen you since your wedding with Blake, did you guys move back recently?" I asked, yea I was excited. I mean he was my first crush in college, despite how Nick and I were dating.

I never cheated for your information.

"Yea we did, how are you feeling? I heard about the accident."

"Yea, much better actually," I answered, "You should come by to visit some time soon, Nick and I moved houses."

"Yea I've been to your house before—Wait Sel... did you lose your memory?" he furrows his eyebrows, I see him getting concerned. He always does that look and scratching his nose.

"Yes," I frowned, glancing over at Miley, "I forgot what happened recently, I only remember what happened after the first 6 months since Nick and my marriage."

"Selly you can't forget me," Liam says in a child voice, it made all of us laugh a little.

"Of course, you're...?" I pretended to think, it worried them three, then I giggled, relieving the tension, "Liam. Duhh Miley's Romeo."

Liam chuckles making Miley cheeks burn in pink.

"We gotta get back up there for a meeting," Chace concludes, drawing me in for another hug at surprise, "We should meet up some time, although my son is in your class."

"What?" my eyes widen, he has a son now too? "That is interesting, I'll be looking forward to that."

Chace laughs, holding in his stomach, "Alright, see around Sel."

"Yeup," I smiled cheekily, turning to see Liam and him leave. Liam gave Miley a long kiss and whispered sweet nothings into her ear and making her laugh, just before he left. As soon as they're gone I crossed my arms giving her the same smirk she gave me earlier.

"What?" she stops smiling like a nuthead but normal now, "What?" she asks again.

"You are so in love Miley Destiny Cyrus that you don't even know it, just marry the boy already!" I said, I would be so excited to see them marry. They knew each other just about as long as I knew Nick. They would be a mimicry of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

"Oh shut up, Selena Marie you were just as in love with Nick," she gasps, and laughs as she slaps my arm playfully.

Demi's car arrive just on cue, both of us got in. Demi had to head home to feed Winston, Joe's pup, and I had to get home to get ready for our date. Although the spa was nice and all, I didn't like the oily feeling after.

I waved to the girls once I got to my door, they drove off to Demi's. Miley had nothing better to do since she took the day off from the office so she went to chill at Demi's, since Liam might hang there for dinner with Joe and Demi anyways.

I left Elvis to stay over at Joe's and Demi's, he could have a slumber party with Winston. I was hoping that Nick and I could get our game on tonight, although Elvis doesn't really affect us but... still.

I kinda miss my pup already actually.

I hopped into the shower, after that with makeup, hair and dressing up it took up an hour already. I waited patiently in the living room for him, soon I found myself falling asleep again I guess it was because of the meds. Which I was supposed to take three times daily until the bottle is out. I took two just now since I forgot this morning.

It was a good sleep, it really was. But it only lasted an hour, I read the clock on the wall, it was already 6:13PM, where was he?

He's never bailed any of our dates. I called his cell repeatedly 5 times, I know I sound clingy but he's late...

He didn't pick up so I left him a voicemail, office ours are over by now right? I didn't bother calling to office, I just hope he'd call back soon.

I felt a headache wavering through my head, it was another one of those feelings I had this morning when I bumped into that Olivia girl.

"Aghh," I winced, as I crunched my head with my hands, pressing hard on the temple where I felt the most pain. Suddenly I see a flashback, it was in our bedroom and I was crying, why was I crying? I thought. Next I see Nick crying too as he grabbed for me but I pushed him away harshly and that was it. That was weird. I hope it was just a dream.

I took an Advil hoping to fall back asleep. But instead I felt a surge of flashbacks just flashing by me and my head felt like exploding from the excruciating pain. I took my glass of water and went back to the couch, I lied down, resting by head on the head rest as I felt my breathing become uneven.

When I think hard, I feel like I've lived this moment before. The getting dressed up and Nick not showing up. Was he with the boys? Was that why I was crying in the bedroom flashback? The other flashbacks included a car coming at me, I was in tears and Nick reached for me but it was too late because all I saw was the bright light coming at me.

I closed my eyes, feeling a deep sleep coming on again. Maybe I should've ate before the medicine. That was probably the cause. Actually, it might even have been because of the two pills, I should've just taken one tablet.

Teehee, things are just about to get interesting guys. Keep reading, and I'll keep updating.

Love ya'll ♥ 

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