Chapter 47

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4:07 PM

Its been nearly an entire day, and nothing has happened. Selena locked herself in their bedroom all day while Nick was downstairs in the living room. From watching TV to checking emails on his laptop, he did everything, yet she hasn't come down yet.

She thought hard in her room, again. A lot about their past, about his story and his reasons behind the affair. Then lastly, what will be her next step in this marriage?

She pulls open the door, the house was so quiet he could hear her tiny footsteps trail down the stairs. He hops off the couch and starts walking towards the staircase where she just got to the last step. 

"Uhm... I'm hungry," she said, she stretches the sleeves of her hoodie as she looks at him awkwardly, she didn't know what better way to start but this seems good.

"Hungry. Right, uhm I could that, dinner then?" he stutters.

She widens her eyes and looks aside biting on her bottom lip, "Do you want to go over to your parents?"

"My-My parents? Oh... sure get ready," he was a bit stunned that she would want to go over to his parents. Like nice people but at a time like now, she wants to see his parents?

"Okay then," she spins around and starts her way to their bedroom. She pulls out a lilac purple summer dress and a pair of brown leather sandals. She was quick, a brush up on the make up and she was ready to go. 

Nick met her in their closet, he picked out a pair of tan brown shorts and a light blue button down. He slipped that on with a pair of Converse and he was set to go. He took their car out from the driveway after he loaded Elvis's bowl with water and his food.

Selena came out shortly, locking the doors and sat on shotgun next to him. She buckled up while Nick took them out of the driveway and began calling his parents' house.

"No pick up," he announces, then pressing on his bluetooth that was ringing on his father's number.

"Hello son," he greets him.

"Hi dad, are you guys out? Sel and I were planning to come over for dinner," he explains while turning out of their neighborhood.

"Oh you should've called earlier, we are in the middle of dinner with Kevin and Dani's parents," his father said, he could hear the sound of forks and knives clashing against one another on the other line.

"Oh it's alright then, we'll find a place don't worry," he was just about to hang up until his father added a comment.

"Hey, you and Selena should go and have some fun time since you happen to be off work early today."

"Okay, bye dad," he hangs up, not wanting to hear that type of language from his father again. Then glancing over to Selena, "Uhm my parents are out, do you want to get a burger or something?"

"Oh... Should we go to Archie's Pub?" he glanced over at the pub on the left. But she searched down the street like she knew something better would come up.

"In N Out Burger!" she points excitedly, he smiles and drives down to the hot line up. He parked his car a few cars away from the burger place. Selena gets out of the car and goes to get in line, he follows behind shortly.

The line was hella long for this popular burger place. They were specially known for their fresh burgers and fries, like what American would not go for that? It was the number one hot spot in the city. 

After they got their burgers and Selena's strawberry shake that took a little longer than 5 minutes to make, they took the window seat at the back of the restaurant where they will not be disturbed. 

"This burger, is the bomb," she smiles bold as she took in a huge bite of the juicy burger. He was silent just watching her eat, "What are you doing? Eat."

He starts to crumble the piece of paper and take out his burger, "Remember we used to come here almost every time we chilled? It's always opened."

"Of course," she smiles looking around reminenscing their time in high school, "Then I'd get yelled at by my mom and Brian. That was some hella experience in high school."

"High school was much easier, when all we panicked about was that calculus test result or that physics project that was due a day before prom night," Nick chuckles.

Selena slips out a small laugh, "I remember, you were panicking about the calculus test so hard. Joe, Demi and I brought you here to eat like 10 burgers until you lost your mind about the burgers instead of calculus."

"That was terrible," he pointed out, "I stayed away from burger and probably beef even, for a year."

"But you did well in the end anyways," she laughs.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Sel--"

She grabs her milkshake and starts sucking out everything inside, "Mmmm.... this shake, it's the bomb. I don't know how I could eat a burger without it."

He knew she didn't want to be reminded of their conversation so he didn't bother to ruin this moment, whatever type of moment they were having. 

"Let's go to the ice cream place after. Maybe we'll get some coupons on their new flavors!" she was like a kid, her excitement for the littlest things. Yet again, this is her going delirious after finding out about his affair, and it is her way of covering her confusion as to what's her next step for this marriage.

"You sure you don't want to get some wine from the beer shop and just walk along the beach?" he asked, chewing down a frie.

"Yea... let's just enjoy the moment okay? Ice cream."


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