Chapter 20

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I waited outside of the school building around 4:30 after its cleared up a bit to wait for Selena. She came out the front doors, I wanted to get out to open the door for her until I saw... well you can guess, maybe you'll get it right. 

Did you guess Chace? If you did, you're hell right.

That douche has been trolling here everytime I came, it wouldn't surprise me if he came everyday either. He followed Selena out, holding the door for her and all. What the hell does he think he's doing with that flower?

Literally, this douche, I feel like punching his face out right now.

I got out of the car, to let her know where I am. She smiles and walks over, they walk over to me, looking rather like they're the husband and wife.

"Hey babe," Selena walks over, giving me a kiss.

I returned the kiss, pulling her in by the waist, "Hey... oh hey Chace."

"Hey Nick," he awkwardly stood there, holding the flowers. Well he better feel awkward.

"Oh yea Chace came to pick up Evan but his mom came to pick him up before," Selena explains, "Poor him!"

I gave a dry chuckle, "Yea, and those flowers..?"

"Oh these, they're for Selena. I saw them at the flourist shop that I was passing by and they just look really fresh and I remember she liked to receive flowers," he chuckles, glancing at Selena.

She laughs, "That's so long ago, but it did make me happy, so thank  you."

"Not a problem," he smiles, passing the bouquet of flowers to her, "You guys better get to the dinner, your dad is scary when people are late."

"Oh yea," Selena turns to me to open the door, "You don't mind that we can't give you a ride right?"

"Not a problem, I've got my car. Have a great dinner guys," he waves to us and retrieves back to the parking lot for his car.

I opened the door for Selena and got into the drivers side. She would constantly sniff the flower and smile, sometimes I wonder if she's having an affair behind me. I mean, I hate to even think about it but the fact that he always show up to see her, I feel like he's trying to take her away. Although, this could just be me trying to hide my guilt.

"Nick? Nick?" I heard Selena call, looking at me lost.

I turned to her, "Huh?"

"It's green light, start the car," she softly says, then pouting a bit as I pressed my foot on gas, "Are you tired? Just go home, you seem really out of it since this morning."

"Uh, no, I'm good." I respond, glancing at the pink cammelia, "Those flowers, shouldn't it be your husband that gives you those?"

"Is someone jealous?" She giggles, "For this flower yes, because it means admiration, perfection and a gift to a man. But this colour particularily, you don't want to know."

"Hmm.. for some reason that really makes me want to know, tell me," I begged her, pressing on the break at the red light.

"You can go search it up, but i'm not tell you," she giggles, she brings the flowers to the back.

I turned to her, "You make me impatient."

"That's the whole point," she smiles in a childishly admiring way.

We arrive at the busy Pierre Dufant, especially on a Friday evening the place was completely packed. Selena clutched onto my arm, afraid to be shoved by the busy line. I smile and held onto her small hand on my arm.

The hostess guided us to our table, right next to the big glass window. Demi sat next to her dad and in front of Joe, I joined next to Selena and in front of her mom. Selena can sit in front of her stepdad for all I care, I just want to be in front of anyone but her dad.

"Selena, Nick," her mother thrashed, welcoming us to sit, "Looks like Alfred and I will be seeing that grandchil of ours really soon."

That made Selena blush, "Seems so! Have you placed the order?"

"We were waiting for you to see what our grandchild wants to eat," her dad teased.

"Daddy," Selena laughs, "I don't think he/she has a good sense in taste right now, I've been having the weirdest cravings since."

Her parents laugh, except Demi who just smiles.

We placed in the orders and ate breadsticks as we waited.

"Nick, are you sure you're taking good care of our Selena? She looks rather skinny than fat now," her father looks to me, making me scared already.

"Oh Alfred!" her mother exclaims with a laugh, "I am in no doubts, she is in good hands. And so is Demi."

"I guarantee I'm feeding her," I said, then turning to Demi, "Hey Dems, when are the invitations coming out?"

"Nick eat your bread," she glares at me.

"Well this time, I agree with Nick," their dad turns to Joe who was nibbling on his bread, "Joseph! You Jonas boys gotta be quick with our girls, they'll be off the market if you don't snatch them quick enough."

"Woah Mr. Lovato, its comin don't ruin my surprise for your girl," Joe jokes back, he's always had a great bond with their dad.

Our whole table laughs, "She's your girl son."

The conversations were non stop like a ball tossed around the table, everyone would laugh here and there but there has been no direct conversation between Selena and Demi.

Dinner was just wrapping up. I exited the washroom, in time to see Demi walk in, I grasp onto her my the arm in the softest way.

"Hey Demi," she turns around and practially gives me a cold glare, "I know I've been a jerk in the past, but please don't let my past of being a jerk get between you and Selena. It's really not worth it, and considering how she's pregnant now, she's like depressed everytime I brought up your name..."

"Well you know what, you are always going to be between my little sister and me if you don't keep your shit a secret. And don't make Joe keep secrets for you either. You better get your shit together and stop your partying ways." She contends, before entering the washroom.

Don't make Joe keep secrets for you. has be utterly shocked, does that mean she saw the text message? I regretted saying Joe's name, but I swear, if I said Ian or Justin's she'll never talk to me again probably.

I met up at the front door with Selena, Joe and her parents. They were just saying their goodbyes when Demi walked out.

"I'll drop by this weekend and maybe we can go shop for some furniture for the nursery room," her mother says, giving Selena a hug.

"That would definitely help Nick out, I heard he hasn't started the painting." her dad buds in.

"Daddy..." Selena gives him a gentle warning in her tone.

"Just saying, my princess," then gives her a hug and kiss on the crown of her head, "Get home safe, we'll see you soon."

We waved goodbye and headed for our car until we were two cars away, we heard Demi's voice. 

"Selena," we turned around, Selena looking a bit shocked. Demi walked up, "I'm sorry I haven't been a more mature sister to you lately, I promise I'll never have a fight with you like that again. Or not until baby Jonas is here."

Selena giggles, "Me too, I'm sorry."

"Let's tea on Sunday?" Demi winks.

Selena nods, "Of course, and call Miley too. I heard her and Liam had some fight two nights ago, but I hadn't had the time to reply to her text."

"Okay, get home safe." Demi gives her a hug, before running down the block back to Joe.

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