Chapter 32

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I held onto Selena's hand as we walked into Olivia's house. She lived in a semi town house and her house wasn't particularly small, but she is pretty messy. When I came last time she had clothes all around her house. And the last thing I want would be for Selena to trip inside Olivia's house.

Selena stuck by me as we walked in, she gaped at how messy Olivia's house was. Selena herself is a neat freak, everything must be clean and free of dust, especially because of her allergies.

Olivia turned on the lights and kicked some of the clothes to the side as we followed her guidance into the house. I think it was just he floors that were messy, her couch had some laundry as well and her dining table had some take out containers rotting aside.

She puts her keys by the fridge and brought out two glasses of water for Selena and I.

"Sorry, I'm not used to having guests here," Olivia says, passing a glass to each one of us.

"It's okay," Selena smiles, which was totally out of courtesy, Selena would've killed me if our house was like this, "Our house isn't all that perfect sometimes."

"Good, I mean it's good because now I feel a bit more normal," Olivia laughs.

"Why don't you guys go ahead to sign that contract," Selena suggests, she turns to me and squeezes on my hand, "I'm getting a bit sleepy babe, so make it quick."

I nodded pecking her lips, "I'll be back shortly."

Selena nods, as Olivia guides me upstairs to her office. I turn to have one last glance at Selena who was sitting by the couch bored, she pulled up a book from purse just as I took another step up the stairs and couldn't see her anymore.

As soon as I got into the office Olivia, I asked, "What contract do I have to sign?"

"This one," I turn and Olivia was a centimeter away from my lips, she trapped me between herself and her desk.

"You are a fucking psycho, my wife is a floor below," I gritted through my teeth and spoke it soft enough that it's only us in the room that could hear.

"Am I?" she stepped closer if that was even remotely possible.

"Stop," I gulped, closing my eyes and tried to push her away, "My marriage is the world to me. I can't do this anymore." I spun her around so she was now the one leaning on the table.

"Why not?" she whines, and for once I hear her voice, it sounded a bit hurt.

When I opened my eyes I see her eyes water.

"I had an abortion for you..."she sounded vulnerable, and I was wondering if I had even heard her correctly because if I did, then my heart just stopped.

"What?" I asked, "Unbelievable, you could even make up such a lie?"

"I'm not lying," she looks up to me with her bloodshot eyes, "Third year college, did you remember you were at Justin's party and that time you and your girlfriend was on a break? We were drunk and who the hell knew condoms exists when they're drunk? Well two weeks later I knew I was pregnant, and my parents would disown me if they knew I was pregnant. Plus I did not know you were the father until my friend's told me who I slept with that night."

I was dumbfounded, I stared at her in disbelief still.

"What? Are you scared I would tell Selena?" Olivia was not just crying now but angry. It was my first time seeing her with actual emotions, something that is different from her flirty and witty personality that I was introduced to.

"Is this why you're making my life a living hell now?" I asked back.

She was hesitant at first, "Yes."

Broken Knot.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon