Chapter 49

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They arrive to the airport, Demi told him which terminal Selena would be. She told him to go find her while she goes to park the car, just so it will give him time to catch her before she gets on her flight. Nick had so many questions, but more so, he wanted to beg for her to stay.

He ran to her terminal, there were only a couple waiting to be checked. He ran over to the security guards and desperately begged them to call his wife out.

"My wife is boarding this flight, could you please call her out, I have something to say to her before she leaves," he begs relentlessly.

"Sir we cannot allow you to that. This flight will be taking off in 10 minutes, we cannot let the passengers leave the flight," the security guard explains to him.

"But she is my wife, she is filing a divorce with me and I need to ask her why, so let me in," he argues.

"We can't let you in sir, please calm down. You may contact your wife when she arrives to her destination," they explained.

He battled to go in but the security guards held him back, "Please let me in to see her...

This tugging and shoving battle went on for a bit, enough time to turn him furious. As he could not control his anger, he fists up and lands it on one of the security guard's jaw bone. His colleague immediately tried to get a hold of Nick to prevent him from throwing another fist at him.

He was strong, enough to break loose from the security guard. He strikes a few more punches at the two security guards until a crowd of them came over to grab him. They arrested him, just when Demi gets to the scene. Her eyes widen, shocked from what she is seeing. Nick had a few bruises colouring up near his lip and a scratch on the corner of his eye brow.

"Nick!" he turns around to the sound of Demi's voice, "What are you doing?"

"He picked a fight with these security guards, we are taking him up to the police for this," the head of security explained to her as his other two colleagues held onto Nick.

"Sorry, it's a complete misunderstanding, we will be leaving now sir." Demi pleads for them to not arrest Nick, in his reckless state. After a moment of negotiation the security guard let them go with a warning. 

By this time, Selena's flight has already gone. He gave up and just swung his arms from the security guards as he follows Demi's exit from the airport. She was desperate to lecture him on why he did it, but clearly it was for her sister.

And she knew he was too weak at this state. She dialed Joe's number for him to meet them at her house to help calm Nick down.


Dear Selena,

That day after we brought Nick back from the airport he was a wreck. He fell back into his old ways, which I knew you didn't want. I kept a promise to you, and I tried my best to get him back on tracks. Honestly he has become worst than before. Besides the late poker nights and the drinking, he didn't go to work for an entire week, his boss demanded answers so Kevin called in to ask for a long term sick leave for Nick. 

After a month since your disappearance we've convinced Nick to go see counselling about his drinking habits. It's been confirmed, he is not an alcoholic and his counselor encourages him to open up to his friends and family more often. That night we took Nick home, while I cleaned up the house and cook up some dinner for him and Joe, the two boys were speaking in the back yard. I couldn't help but eavesdrop to see what's happening. 

"I can't do this anymore Joe... I can't live without her," Nick said, he looked so down. He started to sob.

"C'mon bro, you have a baby on it's way. In like 6 more months you'll be a father." Joe pats his back.

"I can't..." Nick was in complete tears. I couldn't stand watching it happen any longer, you have no idea how much I have wanted to tell him where you are.

I know I'm not suppose to rat you out, but as much as he has hurt you, I could see how much he loves you and how much he misses you. I just wish you came home Sel. 

Things got better slowly after that night, Nick started contacting Olivia. He went with her to check ups, and he brought her home for dinner once. Denise obviously wasn't pleased at first, but knowing she is carrying the grandchild of the Jonas's she tried to be in her best behavior and treated Olivia like a daughter. Everyone slowly treated her like family, even Nick. But he wasn't getting any romance with her. He treated her like a close friend, I guess he pitied her having to carry his child. But it was also this child that had him going and not fall back into his old ways. 

Olivia didn't ask for a romance, she was happy they were friends. I suppose this is a good way to end.... or begin. 

Yours Truly,



Demi's POV

It's been a good year so far, Olivia just had the baby. It was a baby girl, her name is Leah. She was so cute, when she was first born you could see the resemblance between her and Nick. She got most of Olivia's features, but those lips were definitely Nick's. Everyone was at the hospital that day, we finally got to meet her parents. They weren't too happy that Olivia didn't go the traditional way with getting married before giving birth, but when they saw how the Jonas's were so friendly to Olivia and the baby, they understood. Even after finding out that Olivia and Nick will only remained as friends. They encouraged them to marry to give the Leah an actual family. But Olivia and Nick have made an agreement that marriage wasn't for them. 

It was strange though, one day I went to visit Olivia, alone she told me sometimes she wished Nick and her could actually have something. She wanted to be good parents to Leah. I guess it was time Nick moved on, he hasn't dated anyone since you left. Certainly not when Olivia was pregnant. 

I don't know what this means, but I think it's a good idea for Nick to move on from my sister.

Selena hasn't written back to me for a while. I'm curious what happened. I tried to email her but I know she never checks that damn thing. I have no other option but to hope for the best while I wait.

Once Olivia was discharged, Nick brought them to his house. Olivia rejected the offer at first, but Nick convinced her it was better that they lived with him for the first year. At least until Leah turns three or four when she learns to sleep through the night without crying.

Soon this turned into a long term thing, Olivia even put her condo on sale. She was officially moving in, I take this as a cue that Nick Jonas has moved on from Selena Gomez. I guess this would be the better ending for the both of them.

Two days ago I got a letter from Selena finally, she told me she didn't want to know anymore about Nick. After knowing he has stopped his bad habits and have finally learned to be responsible, she said she just wishes the best for his family and Leah. Selena promised to continue writing to me, but she just wouldn't respond to anything about Nick. She was moving houses with her biological father in North Carolina, that's why she hasn't been replying. She tells me it's beautiful where their new house is, and it was nice getting to know her new step mother and younger brother. She tells me her experience in every letter, but what I wanted to know most is, has she moved on?

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