Chapter 8

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Its been two weeks since they lasted that conversation, their marriage was still progressing along back on track. They were going to Nick's parents house for his dad's birthday. They will for sure have to be lovey doves to one another.

It wasn't a drive too far away, his parent lived near the Center of town. The neighbourhood was filled with retired pairs, people like his parents. Their was just the definition of forever, it looked so warm. The patio out front gave such a heartwarming hint.

Kevin and Danielle's car was parked on driveway already. Nick and Selena got out as well, they knocked on the door, immediately they hear the two girls sprinting the doors, chasing each other with laughter. The red wooden door opens, revealing the two little girls smiling widely.

"Hi uncle Nick! Hi auntie Selly!" The girls chimed then rolling their eyes down to see Elvis, "ahhh! Elvis" they squeal in higher bound of energy.

They both walked in with gifts, Selena bends down and hugs the girls.

"Hey girls where's mom and dad?" Nick ask the girls, already walking into the kitchen when everyone else were. Kevin was chatting with his father and Frankie while Daniellle helping out with dinner.

"Hey dad," Nick hugs his mom then to his father.

"Oh and my workaholic son," his father chuckles, bringing him in for a fatherly hug. His attention then shifts over to his brothers.

"Hey bro, have you been living under a rock?" Kevin knew his brother's struggle with his marriage but he was just trying to lighten up the mood.

"Something like that," keeping it cool, clapping his hands together, "Let's get the grilling started."

The boys got up to set up the grill on their deck, Frankie just chilled outside watching his older brothers help their father set up. Selena went into the kitchen with Alena Rose and Leah, first greeting her mother in law and then Danielle.

"Need any help?" She offers her hands, and removing her cardigan.

"Just watch the girls and prevent them from breaking anything," Danielle jokes tiredly, she goes back to marinating the steak when Denise cleanses her hands and giving Selena a proper hug.

"Hey Selena, how are you?" It was more sympathetic then so, she referred it to her relationship with Nick, everyone already knew their marriage was going down the hill. But the passed two weeks, it's like their loved sparked.

"We're great," she smile cheekily, and she was, no lies this time.

She brings the girls into the living room, taking out their presents. The girls turn from their Barbie house, and spun around to Selena.

"Hey girls, look what I brought you," the two boxes of barbie dolls were revealed to them and immediately they crashed over her, squeaking and chanting their 'I love you's. They gave several kisses on the cheek to Selena, making her laugh and fall on the rug.

"Thank you Selly! We love you," Alena, the older sister, wraps her tiny arms around her neck.

Selena was still laughing trying to embrace the girls in her arms, then Elvis comes over sniffing and trying to collapse into the fun. Nick and Kevin watched from outside the window, seeing how Selena was laughing with the girls made him feel the sparks he had for her since they met.

"You know it wouldn't be a bad idea to commit yourself into a family," Kevin nudges his brother.

He stares awhile longer, "I don't know man, our marriage is just getting back into shape..." The continuing, "I don't want the baby to be the one thing that holds us together."

"It wouldn't, you guys love each other," they did, but does that have much meaning after what Nick has done?

"I just feel like we've lost that spark," the grief of his act of sin has returned, thinking back to that night. He sighs, "but ever since two weeks ago, we were really hitting it off."

"Good," he pats his brother, "just do your wife a favour... Don't go out so much Ian and Zac, Danielle went out with Demi a couple of days ago and she was telling her how Selena was just crying to her like a month ago. The poor girl, she is everything you wanted." Kevin pauses, "I just want to say, don't ruin it..."

"I know, and I wouldn't," he promises, before turning back into the house to help his mom with the food.

Dinner went swiftly, everyone laughed and talked but Kevin constantly gave Nick those looks, reminding him his promise. It was a bit uncomfortable until Danielle pulled him away from those deathly stare he was giving to Nick.

"Wanna go get him," Danielle pouts to him tiredly, "I'm really tired."

Kevin nods, cleaning up and going to get their baby who was sleeping in the living room.

"Mommy when is Aunty Selly going to poof a baby cousin for us to play with?" Leah asks her mother, causing the whole table to laugh.

"Why don't you ask your uncle Nick," Danielle smirks, having her daughter turn her head to him across the table.

Nick turns to Selena, giving her a flirty grin ducking down to peck her nose, she giggles and just blushes.

"Hmm... I don't mind having more grandkids," Denise was young for a grandmother, but she the happiest woman to have the best sons, loving husband and beautiful grandchildren and daughter-in-law.

"It would be the best birthday gift sweetheart," his father agreeing.

"We will soon," Nick turns to his family. He has to admit, although he wants to have a family with Selena, he just doesn't feel like now is the right time. They're still young, like they married when they were 21, isn't that too young. They still have a whole life ahead of them, "We're not ready yet..."

Selena keeps her firm smile, although inside she felt a little disappointment. She was always ready for a baby to their marriage, maybe it's a female thing, they were always ready to be mothers. Thus when Nick said they're not ready, it just wasn't what she expected to hear from him.

"Okay stop making the couple blush," Kevin walks in with their son in his hands, the little baby was wide awake now, giggling with drools swoon over his lips.

"Hey Ethan," Selena rubs on the infant's tummy, elevating his giggles. Kevin lets the baby into her arms. The little boy presses his palm to her cheek, admiring his aunts beauty, every one just watched in awe.

Baby Ethan's eyes were big and round like his mothers and his lips were thin like Kevin's, he was completely adorable. He puts his fist into his mouth than taking it back out and putting it on Selena cheek making every scream awe or disgust. But Selena was just laughing it off.

"Oh God, Ethan," the baby turns back around seeing his mother.

"Ma..." The baby chants, reaching over the table. Selena giggles, and passes him over to her, Danielle picks him up and the baby hugs her.

"Okay let's cut the cake," Denis brings out the cake lit up with candles, everyone shifted their plates away as they sang to Paul, "Make a wish honey!"

Paul closes his eyes and makes a wish before blowing the candles. After the cake everyone settled down in the living room. But Selena felt some discomfort in her stomach and she felt like blowing up, she got up and ran to the washroom. Everyone watched her run out, shocked.

"Nick go check on Selena," his mother calls out, making Nick tremble his way to her. He ran to the closest washroom, and found her picking into the toilet. He helps her hold her hair up.

"Babe are you okay?" He rubs her back, as more vomit was exposed.

"Mhm," she groans finally standing by the sink to rinse her mouth, "probably shouldn't have ate that ricotta pasta..."

He continues to soothe her, and leading themselves back to the living room. "Hey I think we're going to head home, Selena isn't feeling too great."

"Oh alright," every shuffles to give them a hug goodbye.

"Thanks for coming guys," his father hugs them each.

"Happy birthday dad," they both say, giving him one last warm embrace. They dragged Elvis out with them, he was just having some fun with Kevin's dogs.

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