Chapter 40

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Nick's POV

When I got out of the office, I hadn't even realized I had totally missed the reservations and not only that, but I forgot to go home and pick up Selena. FUCK.

I mentally kicked myself, she doesn't remember the morbid memories of the past year how our relationship went down, that means she might even be crying at home as I sped my way back.

I clearly remember the first time I missed our 3/4 year anniversary she was crying already. She thought I forgot it and she was blaming herself for everything, it's mean to say but she was really cute when that happened.

I didn't even care about how I parked the car, as soon as the engine was off I ran to our front door. Jumbling with the keys, I shoved it into the key hole and went inside. I heard the TV on.


Double fuck.

This was a complete repeat of our relationship when it went down hill. I'm such an asshole. I should've called. I walked over quietly, Elvis wasn't home though?

I checked my watch it was 8:50 already, I am screwed.

She slept peacefully on the couch, I reached for the remote and turned off the TV. I guess I woke her up because she stirred in her sleep, then her eyes slowly flutter open.

"Hey... you're home," she gives me a lazy smile as she stretches her arms forward.

"Yea baby," I held her cheek and kissed her on the lips, "I'm sorry I forgot to call, I had a lot to do since I was off for so long."

She shakes her head forgivingly, "What time is it? Is it too late for the reservations?"

"I think so," I chuckled, but her face drops, with a pout, "Hey how about we go for a night drive."

Her face lightens up, with a broad smile in a goofy manner, "Really? Good!" she jumps off the couch.

"I need to make up for missing our date right?" I grinned, moving back. I notice she was already dressed up, her make up was a bit runny yet she was still beautiful, "C'mon let's go."

She takes my hand and we walk back out to the car. We were on our way to pick up some burgers and to the beach, hopefully there's no mosquitoes out so soon. Actually it's pretty late never mind.

I took her to the cliff instead, we could see some starts and there we still had a view of the horizon, just that we didn't bother getting out. It got dark fast too.

"MMM..." Selena groans as she took a bite out of that burger, "There's no burger better than In N' Out."

I chuckle, wiping her lips that was dripping of ketchup and mustard, "You're such a baby, you have ketchup everywhere."

"I'm your baby," she smiles with the food all around her teeth making me laugh, "What?"

"Babe, maybe try swallowing first," I unravelled my burger taking in a bite of the juicy meat. Oh and the onion rings, don't have me started. "Man, I remember our first date I took you here after the movies, and you were so hungry you didn't even care if your parents were about to ground you."

"I had my rebellious years," she flaunts proudly.

"Oh yea, you were sure the rebel and stubborn and a cry baby," I teased her, but I see her smiling expression fade into a frown as she puts her burger aside, taking my hand.

"Nick," she calls my name, having me turn to her fully, "Today I bumped into—" she was hesitant to continue, so she restarts, "Today I had a flashback, or if you would say, I remembered something."

I looked at her patiently, putting my burger aside as well, "What was it?" I feel the pH balance tip as more sweat came between my hands.

"I had this flashback that I was crying, like we had an argument and you were pulling me back but I harshly flung off your hand. And—" she stops again, looking away and back, "I saw the accident, why did I get hit by a car? Were we in a fight?"

My eyes were bloodshot, I wanted to hear more of her story before I could answer her. It made me anxious and curious as to if she remembered everything. She asked more questions that just flooded my mind.

"That was the second flashback, I didn't fall from a stool. I got hit by a car right? I saw that you were crying Nick..." she pouts, her grip on my hands got tighter, "Nick please tell me what happened that night. Why did were we fighting?"

"Look babe... the doctor says it is better that you figure things out yourself, if we tell you it might cause you more pain and clusters your mind," I explain to her, I half lied. The doctor did say that but he also said not to trigger her emotions.

"I just want to know what went wrong, Nick I don't want you to leave me," she cries, then a drop of tear stains her cheek. She closes her eyes and my thumb wipes off the drop.

"Baby, I promise I won't ever leave you," I said, I pulled her closer she was sitting on my lap as her head rests on the crook of my neck, "Look what's happened, happened, let's just focus on the future okay?"

"Nick what if you're not in my future?" she pulls away with a frown as more tears fall from her cheek, "What if the next day you just lose interest in me? What if you fall in love with somebody else?"

Fuck. What's with these questions?"

"Babe, I promise you I'll be in your future, and in 10 years, 100 years, forever, I will love you the same way I do right this moment, and maybe even more," her eyes gave a small smile at my words, "Plus if I lose interest in you, I don't think anybody else will adopt me. I don't think I can love somebody else as much as I love you."

"I'm not trying to be a baby Nick.. but these flashbacks worries me," she confesses with the pouty face.

"That's alright it is okay that the flashback scare you, it's because you just feel like you're seeing the future," I sighed, "Look, you bring out the best of me and you're irreplaceable, even if I have to become a widow in the future, I don't think I could find a wife that's like you. She won't be you, she could be similar but not the same—"

"I love you," she tackles me with a handful kiss, "I'm sorry I doubted you—us."

"It's okay, because Selena Marie Gomez-Jonas, you are the love of my life and somebody who can let this human go would be the dumbest jerk, considering it would be hard to find you in that 6 billion and counting population."

That made her giggle, "You got that right, I'm one and only."

I laugh kissing her cheek, "Yum ketchup."

"Ew," she shoves my face over, "I still have the ketchup on me?"

"I'll clean that up for you like no problem."

Okay I guess this wasn't all that impressive as I thought it might be. But the next one I promise it'll be a cliff hanger. If not the following one. It's coming guys, be mentally prepared!!

Hahah okay, maybe I'll do one more before the night is done. ♥

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