Chapter 50

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3 years later.

"Alright mom, I'll call you when I arrive," I laughed into the phone, I heard Demi screaming in the background, more so like a huge panic attack. "Okay, okay by mom."

With that I hung up and returned to the packing. I threw in some more clothes into my luggage, as I turned to grab some more clothes from the racks I saw by dad standing by the doorway with one arm rested on the door frame.

"So you sure about this sweet heart? Going back..." my dad spoke, "your best option?"

"Yes dad, it's Demi's wedding, I have to," I smiled.

"But Nick..." he said, I told my dad everything when I arrived. This was my first time hearing his name, it's only in the letters that I would see his name come up, but now hearing it, I don't know what to feel anymore.

"Dad, I know what I'm doing. I'm ready to go back," I said.

"I'll miss you sweetheart," he comes over and wraps his arms around me, "Helen would miss you a lot, and so will your brother."

"Oh I will miss them lots, but I promise to come to visit," I smile as I hugged my dad.

I honestly didn't know if this was a good choice, but I will never know until I do it. My dad drove me to the airport that night, he broke down into tears when he saw me go, it almost made me come back out from the terminal.


The flowers began to bloom on the front steps of the Gomez's garden. I don't know if it was the right decision to come back here. But it was Demi's wedding after all, I'm already late to help. I was supposed to arrive a week ago but I had to make a trip home to get the rest of my belongings. 

It was going to be a surprise for mom and Demi. They hadn't known which day I was arriving home. I told them some day along this week. I guess they were just expecting me everyday. The taxi dropped me off at the familiar house I once lived in.

I was actually a bit nervous to be ringing the bell at 6 AM in the morning. I was just about to knock when the door opens, and it was Demi, she had a huge smile spread on her face.  Before I had a word to speak, she brings me in and gives me a tight embrace.

"Oh my God Selena!! I missed you so much!" Demi exhales.

"I've missed you too Dems," I giggle as I try to pull out of her embrace.

"MOM! DAD! SELENA'S BACK!" Demi announces, both my mom and Demi's dad comes out from the kitchen. My mom first who ran to hug me as tight as Demi and then dad who gave a quick embrace and said, "We're glad you're home."

"I hope my room has not become your storage room..." I joked.

"Of course not sweetheart, we made sure it's cleaned everyday," my mother brings me towards the living room while Brian and Demi went to bring in my luggage.

They gave me time to unpack and to rest up. Apparently in the afternoon Demi was supposed to take me to go get my bridesmaid dress. She chose Olivia to be her maids of honor because Nick was Joe's bestman and they didn't know if I would be back. I was completely alright with that too.

I don't know what its going to be like when I see Nick's family though. And I don't mean Denise, because I would love to see her, I mean Leah and Olivia. Will he be a good father like how I had always envisioned him to be?

Just in time to toll me out of my bizarre imaginations, Demi was knocking on the door.

"Hey sis, we'll be meeting up with Miles at the shop in an hour--" she paused and hopped on my bed, "Everything alright?"

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