Chapter 7

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After work he went straight home, he felt 10000x time more guily than ever in his life. Never would he have thought of cheating on Selena. She was the complete of him, she was always his dream girl. And he was the only one he loved, despite the fights they've been having.

He arrives home, hearing the chitter chatter from the kitchen. He hears his wife walk out to the door, she ducks her head out and giggles, calling back, "Yup, it's him!"

"Hey babe," he embraces her into a kiss, pressing one hand on the small of her back, "Who's here?"

"Oh just Demi and Miley," Selena giggles, walking back into the kitchen where the girls sat by the counter with their magazines.

"Hey Nick," both of them waved at him giggly. Selena just told them their delightful day yesterday.

"Hey guys," he waves back with a smile. He wasn't very fond of them just like how his friends thought of Selena, he just knew that they didn't like him because they keep thinking he would hurt Selena. But they still accepted him. Yet, he always feels that it is more of Demi, his sister-in-law who tries to put ont he sister act and be so over protective of Selena.

"Are you tired?" Selena rubs his upper arm pouting, "Go upstiars and sleep, dinner will be ready soon. And don't worry the girls have plans already."

Nick grins, glancing at the girls then back at her, pecking her lips, "Alright, see you guys."

"Bye Nick." they chimed and giggle, he was already upstairs and immediately fell to his bed. 

Downstairs was just a party for the girls, Selena was just telling them about the night. And Miley was the first on the react.

"Oh my gosh," she shrieks, clearly shocked, as her eyes widen, "You thought his penis grew?"

"Oh shut up!" Demi cries, rolling her eyes at her friend's obnoxious idea, "As long as you're happy again."

Selena nods with a smile and lsigh brush from Miley's comment, "I am, I'm happy again."

"Good, stay happy" Miley breathes out like thank-God as she goes around to toss out the residue from her coffee, "And while you're still happy, bang him all you can while you're young, trust me my mom tells me about it and it does not sound like anything Liam and I plan on in the future."

The sisters looked at each other grossed out at Miley, "Ew! Gross stuff!" they said in unison, slapping Miley's arm.

"OW! Guys, arm with flu shot don't forget," she cries in terror, rubbing on the throbbing pain.

"But you know... I think sex does change and make people closer," she smiles deeply, more like talking to herself than to Miley and Demi.

"Awe, so adorable," Miley squeals in awe, "She's so in love."

"No but you guys have no idea, the past few months we were literally on the rocks. The house was like bitter cold everyday, we barely talked. And when we bang bang our world seemed to flip and went back to normal," Selena snickers, with a coy smile.

"No shit, its a dick into a vagina!" Demi blurts out the obvious, causing Selena and Miley to laugh out loud.

"I don't know..." Selena still smiling says in awe, "it was like, sex was all it took for us to feel what we had."

"Gosh, you and your married life. If Liam asked me this moment, I wouldn't even have said yes," Miley mourns, with a grunt to follow.

Selena and Demi eye each other in a humorous way then both laughing, "No, you will cry and the minute he asks you're like drop dead on your knees." Demi giggles.

"Please, no I wouldn't..." Miley rolls her eyes, then sneaking a smile knowing she would do exactly what Demi has depicted.

"Speaking of marriage, have you heard, Tiffany is getting married in a few weeks," Selena announces casually.

"THORTON?" both of them gasps.

Selena just nods, and their gossip continues until Selena shoos them out to cook. She cooked up some pasta for dinner, it was going to be the first official dinner in the longest time that Nick was actually going to have dinner with her, well not like he hasn't. But this dinner, they were going to converse like a normal couple.

Nick eventually comes downstairs, to the kitchen. But Selena was no where in sight, instead he actually finds her in the study, preparing a new lesson for the kids at school.

He chuckles, scaring her a minute, "Why are you smiling even when you're making the lesson plans?"

She tilts her head smiling wider, "I thought you were sleeping."

"I was, then woke up because I felt like I was missing something next to me," his voice was raspy still, he strides over to her hugging her around the shoulders.

"Thing?" she furrows her eyebrows, giggling again. He pulls away and just felt like saying what he was about to say.

"Look... I get that for the past few months we haven't been so lovey and affectionate," he started, now catching her off guard, she spins the chair around to him, and now he was bending down, depending on his leg muscles to hold him up. He holds her hands, "I haven't been the best husband for the past months, and I don't know why I'm so stupid for that, but I promise I will make things better."

Selena was taken back by his sudden choice of word, "Nick I--"

"Don't hide it Sel, I saw you crying the other night and I heard your conversation when I was trying to sleep," he hushes her, then taking her hands into his, "I promise I'll drive this marriage back on track."

Selena reacted with a coy smile and nods, "You are the best husband anyone could as for, I love you."

"Me too," he pecks her lips.

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