Chapter 33

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How is it that something so close can disappear so fast? It was so close but I couldn't save her. I really want to answer her question now, what will happen if one day we're not together anymore.

My answer, its been hell.

But it's too late, can she still hear me?

The car was running at high speed, I guess I could say thank God he hit his break on time. But that didn't prevent any of this. Blame is on me. His car stopped but it hit her and she rolled on the ground.

The doctors say it was the impact from the car's force. She's passed the danger zone but we just don't know when she will wake up. Everyday I come I see the tubes in her it killed me to pieces. One tube is connected to her ventilator, the other is to her IV and two others that I have no clue but it was something with nutrition.

Doctors and nurses come in time to time to check on her. They say it is unpredictable as to when she will wake up, it could take weeks, months and sometimes a year or two before they unplug her. Well that is up to the family's decision.

I watched her sleep, she was pale. The nutrition that was given to her by a tube is not enough to bring her back to her porcelain skin.

When the ambulance picked her up, her face was still damp from the tears. Her face was scratched, which was now healed. They said she broke a rib inside and they had to operate on both her rib and her head because she was suffering from a brain hemorrhage.

Her hands were cold in mine, I held onto both of them and breathed on them to warm them up. But nothing would happen. She wouldn't feel it, she wouldn't know.

"Baby wake up please," I say, bringing her hand close to my lips. She would kill me if she was awake, my chin was grubby, I haven't shaved for two weeks now and I barely went home if it wasn't necessary. And work, I took a short term leave.

As for Olivia, she quit. I guess she got her so-called revenge. She didn't know about Selena, but I guess after I stopped attending work she quit.

I don't know where she is, but I hope to never see her again.

Suddenly I hear the monitor go off, "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!"

I look up to Selena, her face was expressionless like usual. But the monitor wouldn't shut off, I jumped up and hit the red button for the nurse. One of Selena's regular nurse came charging in. She ran over to the monitor and checked Selena's pulse manually.

She sighed and pulled on some wires.

"What's going on? What happened?" I asked worriedly, as I watch her press some buttons on the monitor making it stop beeping.

"You were probably pressing on her wires that attaches to the heart monitor, and the machine couldn't pick up her rhythm, that's it no worries Mr. Jonas," the nurse explains then stepping out, "Call us if anything."

I sigh and sat back down, watching Selena sleep. She was like frozen, she doesn't move, not even a finger twitch or blink.

Selena's family came to visit, both Demi and Miley too. They come routinely, some days are Demi's turn and some are Miley's, or they are together sometime. They stick around while I go home to shower and change, and 95% of the time I come back before visiting hours are over.

If you're wondering how Demi is taking this? She cried the first week and practically threatened to kill me if her sister doesn't wake up. Joe tried to held her back everytime she yelled at me, then she would turn to Joe's shoulder and starts crying. She never dared to cry in front of Selena's mom because she knew she would cry too.

Even my parents cried, Dani's daughters brought over cards and flowers on the weekend. Her and Kevin didn't want them here too often because it's dirty here and easy to catch a flu from bacteria.

Mainly it's just me that is here 24/7.

I hadn't known when it was but I fell asleep next to Selena. It has been a routine already, I always fall asleep in the morning and I wake up when the doctor comes for his rounds.

"Morning Mr. Jonas," Dr. Burke says, as he held Selena's chart in his hand then starts to check her. A few minutes later, he goes back and tells the nurse to go out to get something.

"What's wrong doctor?" I asked, I stood away from Selena just so it is easier for them to do the check up.

"I've just checked her heart beat, but there was only one heart beat found." he explains, "I told nurse Jude to get the OBGYN to get here as soon as possible to check on Mrs. Jonas."

"Are you saying she has a miscarriage?" I asked.

"I believe so, but to confirm my hypothesis, I think it is better to have the OBGYN to have a look, if the case is true we will have to operate on her as soon as possible," he explains, "If we don't an internal hemorrhage could build up inside."

Not long after the news the OBGYN came in to have a look, they brought in the ultrasound machine along. And minutes after what Dr. Burke predicted was confirmed true.

I feel myself go nauseous, first the accident and now a miscarriage. I stepped out to call my parents and my in-laws. My mother broke down from the news, so did Selena's parents but they were more calm, they knew we could have another go at it.

If only they knew what caused this accident....

Demi and everyone else was waiting by Selena's room. I walked back with the doctors and nurses who rolled Selena's bed back to her room. It was a quick two hour sugery, Selena looked skinnier. The baby bump that was once there now became a bump filled with air inside.

Selena didn't need the ventilator anymore, she just needed the oxygen mask. The ventilator was used to help support the breathing of both her and the baby. But now the baby was dead, they say a oxygen mask is better suited.

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