Chapter 30

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Nick's POV

My heart sunk into the earth's mantle after she fell asleep in my arms. I felt my heart wrench in guilt. We stayed at my parents for the night, thank God this morning we left two bowls of food for Elvis.

Or else he'd be so mad at us in the morning when we get home.

I got thirsty in the middle of the night, I didn't even sleep. I watched the woman I loved most sleep in my arms, her face was damped from the tears.

The tears that was wasted on a jerk like me.

What I said I meant. But why is it so hard to keep my promises?

Gently I placed Selena's head onto the pillow, trying to now wake her as I went downstairs to get some water. I see a light glow from the hallway as I neared the kitchen.

It was my dad, he was sitting by the dinner table doing his work. He stared at the screen and compared it to his documents. I went to pull out a glass and sat down with him.

"Son," he said, as I sat down.

He was apparent when my brother and mother yelled at me. But he didn't say much but try to hold down my mom. Some reason, I feel like my dad is on my side, does he know something perhaps?

"Dad... I did something bad..." I started. I was ready to confess, of all people in this world, my dad knows the best way to go in life. Despite the mistakes he's made in life, he gave me the best advises as a kid and now he still does.

Never once have I regretted going to him.

"Come sit son, I think it's time we talk."

"Dad, I wanted to ask... You'd yell at me 10 times worst than mom, what happened today?" I asked him, curious.

He closes his screen, "You're sorry to Selena." He simply says.

"Dad... How did you-"

"Nicholas, I'm your dad I've known you for 26 years," he said, "Zac called the other day for you and I overheard a conversation I wasn't supposed to hear, but because you were brought up in that conversation I listened on. But son, Selena is your wife. How could you?"

"Dad I know I screwed up big time, but this woman won't leave me alone... and tonight..." I know I will regret the minute I spill the truth, "The reason I couldn't meet up with Selena was because I was out with her. She threatened that if I didn't meet up with her today she will give the video to Selena so I did..."

"What was in the video?" my dad asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

I was embarrassed to confess.

It was equivalent to the time where I lied to my parents why I got detention in sophomore year. The truth was because I was smoking with the jocks on school ground.

But this was worst than smoking with jocks.

"It was a sex tape..." I confess, hearing my dad gasp.

"Nicholas, I am so sorry," my dad apologizes, taking his glasses off, "I failed you, I failed to be a good father. I thought I knew how to raise my children... but I failed you... I'm sorry," he apologized shaking his head.

"Dad you didn't," I sighed, grabbing for his hand, "Its all my fault. I brought this onto myself. I partied and met her then let her into my office and it was my fault letting her get to me..."

"How could you do this to Selena... I understand you cheated on her but you had intercourse with that woman? You wife is pregnant Nick!" My dad exclaimed, as if I did not know.

"I know dad... I know I'm screwed," I felt my blood boil to my cheeks as I got red and tears were streaming down my cheek, "Teach me what to do... teach me...." I begged.

My dad watch me beg him to help save my marriage.

"No one said relationships were easy, but it is your duty to fulfill the role of a husband. And a soon to be dad," he added the last line quickly.

"Selena is perhaps the best thing that happened to me, I can't afford to lose her..." I cried into my palms.

"Straighten things up with that woman," my father suggests, patting my back, "A marriage is not easy son, but cheating? That is definitely not the way to go, break things off with the woman."

"I'm trying but what will I have to do to make her stop chasing me down?"

"She just wants your attention son, show that you don't care about her. Shut her out."

We spent another few hours figuring my ways out of this mess I created. There was no way out. My only way is to come into honesty with Selena.

But the truth would kill her.

That was my dad's conclusion, to tell Selena then try to recruit Olivia to another department. But what could stop her? She even stalked me to my company for christ sakes.

Who knows what she'll do next?

I can't risk hurting Selena once more. I felt my phone buzz from my pocket, it was a message from Olivia.

From: unkown 2:49AM

I miss you.

The message was attached with a photo. I clicked on it to open the file, I nearly popped my eyes out. It was a photo she took during the sex? I don't know what to do right now.

Was I suppose to go with the plan of just avoiding her like my dad say?

Okay fine, I put my phone away on my way back to my room. But seconds later it buzzed again.

From: unkown 2:50AM

Nick? Are you there?

From: unkown 2:50AM

Nick why aren't you replying to me? NICK!

I turned off my phone and returned to my bed, slowly sliding myself under the covers next to my wife. She churned a bit in her sleep and in the dark I see her eyes gently flutter open.

"Where did you go?" she groaned a bit, squinting her eyes from the hallway's light.

"Just downstairs, and talked to my dad a bit," I shrugged, at least half of that was true.

She nodded tiredly, closing her eyes and cuddling into me, "Your bed is getting small for two people."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around her and bringing her in, "If we cuddle like this, it would be enough to fit three."

It made her giggle, she nods then resting her head on my chest and I didn't hear another word from her. I assume she fell back asleep.

I traced circles on her back trying to distract my brain from figuring this mess I made. But I must've gotten tired of this because I found myself sound asleep shortly.

Early next morning I felt Selena leaving a trace of kisses all over face. What's better than waking up to be smothered by kisses from your wife? Nothing.

I smirk, opening my eyes, "I guess they were right when they say pregnant women tends to be sexually hormonal?"

She giggles, "I am not." She defends herself.

"Hmm... are you?" I rolled over to be right above her, but not crushing her of course. I leaned down and drooled over with her with kisses.

She reaches around my neck, pulling me down. But I have already reached the furthest, if I go down anymore I would crush her. She giggles as I start kissing down her jawline.

"I think you're sexually hormonal," she teases me, as I roll to the side of the bed.

I scoff, "I'm not pregnant."

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