Chapter 37

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I crashed hard last night, I was so exhausted. I don't know how I could go to work today. But I knew how to wake up.

I felt a sense of nibbling along my earlobes as the body sat above my rib cage. Her long soft hair swayed over my face as starts nibbling the other ear, a muffled giggle slips her lips.

I chuckled as I slowly opened my eyes to see her beautiful smile as she moves away from my ear. She props her hand on the bed and giggles as she stares into my eyes.

"Morning Mrs. Jonas," I smirked.

"Morning Mr. Jonas," she giggles, covering her lips, "Nevermind that doesn't sound that great because its what I used to call your dad."

"Well same thing with calling you Mrs. Jonas," I pointed out.

She shrugs, yawning already, "Oh I wish you didn't have to go back to work quickly," she sighs, letting her head fall to my chest.

"I know babe, but I've already taken a month off," I explained, I brushed through the wave of curls in her hair, which were soft like silk.

She looks up at me with a pout, "Can't you call in sick?"

"Some reason I doubt my boss would believe that," I chuckle, rolling her off to the side so I can get up to change. "C'mon let's get dressed, maybe you wanna go to spa with Demi or Miley. If not chill with Elvis." I got off the bed and headed for the washroom.

I hear her tiny steps running to trail behind me, "Can I sit in your office?" she asks jokingly.

"You know I would let you if it was my company," I smirked, picking up my toothbrush.

She stands by the gliding doors, leaning on the side with a pout, "Fine.. I guess I could call up Demi and Miles for a lunch and spa..."

I smiled, gargling out the toothpaste with water. I wiped my lips dry with a face towel then going up to her and pulled her in by the waist for a kiss. "Hey don't pout like that, how about if I take you out to dinner tonight?"

"Really?" she lightens up with a smile, I nodded. "I'll get reservations!"

"That's a man's job, I'll do that," I smirked.

She gives a broad smile with teeth before pulling me in by the neck for a kiss. I smiled between the kiss as I held her by the waist. Her legs crosses around my waistline as our kisses deepen. I feel her hair falling to my shoulders as she presses her lips harder onto mine. My eyes open and glanced at the digital clock in our washroom it read 6:50AM, I still had some time. But traffic...

"Babe... I have work," I pulled away, out of breath.

"Don't go yet...." she begs, her voice was raspy which was a total 6 star rating on how sexy that was and she was breathing heavily too. I hesitated a bit but not long enough before she came down showering me with kisses again.

I chuckle, and carried her to the bed while her army were tangled around my neck and her sleek long legs around my waist line.

"You're very dangerous Mrs. Jonas," I said as I carried her to our bed.

She muffles a giggle into my neck, "You got the hots for me and you know it."

"Sure right I do," I answered, dropping her on the bed and slowly climb on top of her. She was aggressive, she pulls me down by the collar of my tee, she was anxious and it was easy to tell that she couldn't control it either. I rolled her over as I made my kisses down her neck, I marked my signature on her soft spot. A soft moan escapes her lips as she fiddles with the hem of my shirt and rolling it up higher and higher. My lips tore from her neck with a smack sound as I stretched over to pull my shirt off, she pulls me back down immediately and rejoining our lips. It was intense but not sloppy, her lips with her moist with mine on top. She takes control of our make out session as she rolls me onto the bed with her resting on my waistline. Every time she deepens our kiss, her womanhood would bump into my crotch. After a while I figured her pattern, she was doing it on purpose, now she was just grinding on my crotch and I could feel a tent building under my flannels. I feel her smirk between the kiss.

"Oh games..." kiss, "so on." I muffled the last part as I picked up the hem of her tank top and pulled it over her, having her breasts fall over. She blushed a bit which was cute. I rolled her over so I was on top, not to the point of crushing her of course. I left a trail of kisses down her neck to her breasts, they were a bit full from the pregnancy and it was hot, I got to admit that. I kissed around it, trying to show her the love. I felt her small hands run through my roused curls as sweet sounds parted her lips. I permed a maroon mark on her breast to mark my territory, leaving her with a satisfied smirk on her face. She was about to roll me over until both of our attention turns to the nightstand, where my phone was buzzing off the table.

She rolls her eyes and groans, "Who calls this early?"

I chuckle, "You're a bit too high on the hormones this morning Mrs. Jonas," I then sat up to pick up my phone.

She sits up on the bed, slipping her shirt back on as I picked up the call.

"Hello?" it was from the office. I thought she would have gone to the washroom to clean up, instead I felt her hot breath crash along my neck as she nibbled on the other side of my ear. I was completely drained out from the conversation as I focused on my wife.

I knew she was smirking at me right now because all I was saying to my co-worker was, "Mhm... uh-hh... okay..."

"So get here ASAP?" my co-worker confirms.

"Y-Yes," I stuttered before hanging up. I dropped my phone on the bed, and pushed her down on the soft mattress. "You're are serious a devil in an angel suit."

She waves a toxicating smile, "Oh no my identity is revealed!" she teases.

"You're so dead meat when we have our date tonight," I teased her, treating her with a passionate and deep kiss before I let her go so I could change for work. She was a bit pouty and left a scoff when I let go of her miscellaneously.

When I came back out she wasn't in bed anymore, the bed was made and she has just disappeared. I fixed my blazer and messenger bag just before I met with her downstairs. She was packing some food into a paper bag, and met me by the staircase.

"Your favorite, PBJ sandwich," she smiles thin as she leans in to kiss my cheek.

"Thank you wifey," I teased her, she just smiles and walks me out, "So plans with Demi and Miley today?"

"Nah I just got discharged from the hospital maybe I'll just hang around with Elvis," she looks down at him and giggles, "He's so cute, I can't believe we have puppy."

I chuckle as I slipped my leather shoes on, "He's way passed puppy."

"Don't insult Elvy like that!" she gasps, and covers his ears instantly, "You're momma's boy."

"Hey! I'm number one," I complained.

She stands back up and compresses one my cheeks, "You mister, need to get in line."

"What line?" I joked.

She scoffs, slapping my chest lightly, "My daddy, Elvis and—" she stops and giggles.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her adoringly silliness, I pulled her in for a quick kiss, "Alright see you after work, I gotta head out now."

She nods and bringing me in for a long kiss, "Love you."

"Love you too," I closed the door on my way out and drove off to work. I hope her first day without me will be alright, I mean, I hope Demi and Miley could accompany her.

Man her first day alone and my first day back at work. That's something to look forward to... Once in my office I found a pile of work and contracts for me to sign off on, I just hope that it wouldn't make me late for our date.


Sorry this chapter kinda sucked, but keep voting and commenting. I love to read comments because you guys honestly inspire me to continue to write. I'll be updating more don't worry.

Thanks for the love and support on this story. ♥

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