Chapter 45

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Nick stares into her big brown orbs that was eager to hear what he has to say. His lips parted ready to speak, but the longer he stared into her eyes he knees weaken. It was difficult to tell the truth to her. He loves her too much to lose her again. Not after all the shit he has done.

She then giggles, and shakes his hand that was above hers, "Nick what is it?"

"I..." he began, but of course with his heart racing so rapidly, he couldn't say it. Instead his hand cups her cheek and pecks her, "I love you, I'm going to go take a shower first."

He gets up and makes his way upstairs to their bathroom. It left Selena wondering and more curious as to what has to say. She had a feeling it had something to do with that Olivia girl. But she shrugged it off, as she has no memories of the past two years, it didn't make her too suspicious of Nick.

She get picks up her empty glass and sets it in the sink. She heard the water run when she got to their bedroom. She went to the other bathroom in the hallway and washed up before bed. She gets into bed just as Nick walks out of the bathroom with his wet curls hanging down his forehead.

He gets into the other side next to her. Something didn't feel right, they were both feeling awkward with each other. Despite how they are both smiling to each other, it was just courtesy. It was almost too friendly, no one spoke and just turned the lights off.

She curled up on the blanket, facing the opposite direction from Nick. He was facing the other way, pondering if it was worth telling her the truth. If he doesn't tell her and finds out by herself she will probably never forgive him. 

He turns on the light from his side of the nightstand and sits up.

"I need to be honest with you, Sel. I lied," he confesses, his wife sits up and looks at him and just blinks, no words.

"W-well what did you lie a-about?" her voice trembled, fearing to hear what he lied about. 

He stares at her, holding onto both of her hands, "Okay, you need to stay calm when you hear it alright? Don't freak out. Well freak out, you have all rights to be mad at me and you--"

"Nick just say it," this time she frustrated with him. Her voice was stern and serious.

"I... I caused the accident," he says, but she waited for him to continue, "You didn't lose your memory because you fell from the stool. You got into a hit and run. We were on the street arguing, there was a tug and pull but then you turned to cross the street without looking and the car came at you..."

"W-well why were we fighting?"

This was the question he didn't want to answer. Again, his lips parted but no words came across.

"You... you found out that I cheated," he says watching her expression change from patient to a nervous breakdown as she looks away with tears building puddles in her sockets and her gasping for air. "B-but I ended things with her that night a-and--"

"W-Why?" she looks at him, with those eyes that makes him weaken inside.

"I don't know... that time our marriage was falling apart. We stopped talking, stopped interacting, sentences became words--look, I don't know what happened but it was like we lost communication--"

"So that was why you had to go and find somebody else?" she asked, heartbroken.

"No, that wasn't why. It was a mistake--"

"I was pregnant at that time..." she realizes, pulling her hand away from his and brushes her hair back with both hands as she was frustrated and feeling all sorts of confused emotions, "Our baby died from that accident..."

He felt the a punch of guilt hit him hard inside, "Babe, I didn't want to tell you because you're technically still recovering and I didn't--"

"What else did you lie to me about? I feel like I don't know you anymore," she pushes him away when he opened his arms to hug her, "Don't..."

"There's just one last thing..."

She turns her head back up to look at him, "W-what? What is it?"

"It was Olivia, she resigned after your accident and it was only yesterday when I saw her again. She came back because she is carrying my child..." he starts, but Selena looked like she couldn't take it anymore, "She just wants me to be a father the child she doesn't want any relationship."

Selena stares at him, finally catching her breath. But she just stares at him, he was in tears but he was crying. 

"I can't do this Nick, I'm sorry," she sobs at the end and gets out of bed. He gets out following her down the hall, she stops and turns into the empty guest room they had in the house. Just before gets a hold of the knob she closes it shut and locks it.

"Selena, come out, please..." he cries, "talk to me..."

She, who was on the other side of the door, quietly sobs and begs in her mind that he would turn away and go back to his room. Why had he had to tell me the truth? she questioned herself. How could one perfect day turn out like this. She thought her Nick was perfect--at least in what she remembers of him she thought he was perfect, that's why she married him right? 

It took at least an hour before he stopped begging for her to open the door. He stopped begging but he didn't leave, he fell asleep on the floor as he waited for her to open it.


She didn't sleep all night, rather so she stayed up thinking about everything he said. She tried really hard to get her memory back. But nothing was coming, there were short flashbacks but they didn't do much for her.

She finally gets out of bed to go down for breakfast, when she opened the door she found his sleeping against the wall. Somehow she was able to still love this man and feel bad that he slept on the floor all night.

She bends down and puts a throw over his shoulders as she quietly creeps over him to their bedroom. She picks up her cell phone and saw the time, it was about 10:46AM. She dials his work and calls in sick for him before going downstairs for breakfast. 

But before she met midway with the stairs she heard his footsteps running into the guest room, then to their bedroom, into the washrooms. Then finally his breath calming when he began running downstairs.

She continued to make her way to the kitchen to pull out a pan to make a classic American bacon and eggs breakfast. 

"Selena please talk to me, I want to--" he followed her around about 10 cm away from her.

"Have a seat, I'll make breakfast," she said, she wasn't prepared to hear him explain more. She starts to prepare breakfast as the confused Nick pulled out a chair from the island and watched as she walked around to make them breakfast.

"Do you need some help?" he was nervous to even speak. He was afraid that she'd run off like last time when she found out, but maybe this was a new Selena. 

"Nope, just sit and wait," she made no eye contact when she spoke and continued to whisk the eggs while the bacon sizzled in the pan.

He just watched her, was this her trying to hold it in and keep calm? He was calm for a minute until he realized this is probably the new Selena, he wouldn't know how she'd react, he wouldn't know if she would explode in a minute.

He regretted telling her.

But at least he has nothing to hide from her.

There were no words that needed to be said, he just sat and watched her cook.

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