Chapter 43

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This was just about the hottest mess for Nick Jonas, he watched the two woman exchange handshakes as they met by the door frame. He feels he could pass out right this moment. He had to solve this some how.

"Uhh... Sel, I forgot Olivia texted me during lunch that she was coming in for an appointment," he lies, with eyes open and right to his wife's face, "Do you want to wait outside for me or head home first?"

"Oh, okay," Selena turns around to pick  up her purse, "I'll just see you at home then," she smiles sweetly, before grasping his bicep and kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted," Olivia apologize.

"No, it's fine," Selena turns to her with a smile and takes a step out the door, "Okay, see you at home." with that, she closes his office door, just in time for Olivia to step in.

She ponder whether or not to wait by the lobby for him, then again she did  say that she was going to go home first. She follows the pathway to the elevator and gets in on the next ride back down.

Meanwhile the in the office, Nick stands facing the window to the city view. A little to frustrated to even look at her, he could not decide whether he should strangle her or himself. She sat patiently across the table, her pouty face towards his broad, strong back.

"Nick, could you please turn around?" she ask, it was the first time possibly for him to hear her plead sincerely that way. His heart nearly softened towards it.

"What do you want from me Olivia?" he shuts his eyes, creating a crease along his brows, as he lets out an infuriated sigh. It was easy to tell he was stress and angry by the sigh of how his fist circulated the leather office chair.

"Look, I get that you are angry to see me here, but I promise no harm this time," the brunette had tears circulating her sockets as she leans forward showing her desperate measure. "Nick I just want you know I'm pregnant... I can't afford to have a miscarriage."

His head shoots up and eyes widen, it would be scary to see him turn around. He stayed frozen, staring out to the building across theirs. He releases the chair in his hand.

"You..." he turns to face her, as she was already melting in her own sorrow tears, "You are p-pregnant you say?" a sardonic laugh escapes his lips as he moves back from her, as if he saw a ghost. His face flushes pale white, "What the hell do you want from my life? Ruin it or something?"

"Nick please," she sets her purse on the other chair as she gets up and walks around the table to him. Her delicate hands clutches tightly onto his biceps as she shook it him, "I know you think I am trying to ruin your life. But I'll be truthful here, I was on my way to leave until that morning I started to puke and was taken to the hospital. I thought food poisoning until I got an ultrasound."

"Wh-what makes you think its mine?" he stutters each word, like a little boy seeing the big bad wolf. His back was firm against the glass, hoping to fall out than to accept this dark reality.

"I'll do a DNA test, but you--" she hesitates with her eyes moving away shyly, "you're the only one I've slept with for the past months."

His eyes blinks a few times, with tears sauntering over his face a bit. He wasn't ready for this. Maybe with Selena because he loves her and know that she will be a great mother. But Olivia, may perhaps just be a different story. He barely knew this woman. And this could probably be the final call for a divorce with him and Selena. 

"I don't need you to be with me through this 10 months process, but I do wish that you do your part in being a father for our child," she brings his hands towards her 3 weeks stomach.

Nick freaks out as his hands flings her hands off of his when he met her stomach. He cringed at the news and his mind was in chaos trying to put the pieces together.

How can she come up to him randomly and ruin all the hardwork he's built into his relationship. Olivia's big brown orbs just stare at him lost, and unsure what his respond would be. But she could tell he was nervous.

"Nick I am just as scared as you are," she confesses, "I promise I won't bother with you and Selena anymore. All I'm asking for is for you to take on the role of a father when the baby is born."

He slams his hands rolled into fists on the table, scaring both her and the baby inside with a loud thud. "Damn it Olivia, why now? Why come out when my marriage is finally working out?"

"I don't think lying to your wife about your past affair is helping your marriage."

He opened his eyes, as if realizing what she said was the truth. It is. He knows it deeply inside, but who would choose to reveal the morbid truth when you have the option to lie. What he needs to realize is that lying to Selena for her entire life is not saving their marriage, but it is going to kill her most in the end.

He hears soft muffles from behind. He straightens up turning to Olivia who was shedding some tears and wiping them off her cheeks. He rolls his eyes back, feeling the guilt hit his stomach.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you but I'm not just scared, I'm frustrated that this happens now," he moves and embraces her in a friendly way, "I don't know how I'm going to be able to be a father to our kid and not have Selena know about it."

"I-I just want you to be there for our baby on your free time, I want them to have the love of a mom and dad... that's all," she accepts the hug and embraces him as she cries to his shoulders.

This was honestly a new side of Olivia that Nick has never seen. He never believed she had a morality in her. She seemed like a dangerous type all along and now her thinking about her child's future, it touched him, but not as a lover.


Sorry for long time no update on this one. I had a tough time thinking of the right way to continue. Hope you all enjoyed this one. It's coming to an end soon no worries. It's been a long one, so thank you to everyone for keeping up with this story up until now. I really do appreciate it!

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