Chapter 31

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I took the day off to take Selena to work. We drove home for her to shower and change for work, after I dropped her off at work and went back home to hang out with Elvis.

It was about 11:40 now and I didn't have my work files with me so I was pretty much not so productive with work. I found myself on the couch minutes later, flipping through the channels until I landed on the sports channel airing a baseball game with the L.A. Dodgers against Atlanta.


Elvis came up to the couch and stretched forward to lie down on the orange rug we had. I chuckle, "Bored bud? Me too."

I sigh and watched the television a little bit longer. I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up it was already 2:56, shit.

I got up and rushed out the door with the car keys, just one issue I forgot to pour some dog food into Elvis's bowl. I went back in to grab his leash and brought Elvis to my car and settle him in the back.

"Sit tight buddy, we totally forgot to pick up mommy," I say as I reversed the vehicle from the drive way and sped my way to Selena's school.

The students are normally gone by 3:30, but getting to Selena's school takes about 20 minutes of driving. I want to be there when she's dismissing the students.

Plus, the parking lot is really filled up by school buses or parents' cars.

When I turned into the parking, like I say it was filled. But I see all the teachers out front waving goodbye to the students that were being picked up by their parents.

But nowhere have I spotted Selena. I drove around the curb a bit as some buses were starting to leave.

Selena was in her summer dress waving to the students, and it was pretty obvious she was pregnant because there was a little baby bump. She smiled wider as she saw me waving to her from the car.

After dismissing all the students, she crosses over to us in all smiles. I could tell she was surprised.

"Hey," she leans into the car giving me a kiss, as she pulls away she notices Elvis in the back, "Oh my God, its a full house. You brought Elvis?" she giggles.

"Yea," I chuckle, "I took a nap and I sort of slept over it, almost forgetting to pick you up and I didn't have time to load up some food for Elvis so I brought him along."

Selena giggles, bringing her face close to mine and pecks my lips, "You're so sweet. Okay, I'm going to go in to get my stuff and I'll come right back."

"Wait," I grabbed her by the forearm, "Do you want me to come in with you?"

"Nah, I've got it," Selena turns away and walks back into the school building to get her purse and book bag. Minutes later she was back out, considering the kindergarten class was right next to the exit, it would only take her a minute to get her purse and turn the lights off.

I get out to go around and get the door for her. I get in after her and start the car, I have no clue where we're going yet but if I don't start moving my vehicle parents will start honking at us.

"You're scary today," Selena comments, followed by her soft giggle.

"What? Why?" I chuckle, making a turn out of the parking lot.

"You're being particularly sweet today," she says, turning to me, "You know they say if your partner is suddenly being super sweet it means they're up to something."

Honestly, I am up to no good. And the guilt is slowly burning me into pieces inside.

I chuckle nervously, "Can't I be good to you because I love you."

Broken Knot.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang