Chapter 9

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The next morning, Selena hopped out of bed and rushed to the washroom, leaving Nick to hug the empty air. He rubs his eyes to brush off the blur, he sees a shadow like figure stumble their way back in. She falls down to bed, wiping her mouth with a tissue.

"Still puking?" He ask her, brushing the hair away from her sweaty face.

She nods, "I think I'll have to go see the doctor after work."

"You want me to come with you?"

She shook her head, "It's probably just a stomach flu, don't worry."

When she got to work and in the staff room she smelt some heavy cheese smell again, it provoked her to feel something come up, in disgust. She runs out of there, dropping her mug and hurries over to the washroom. Immediately the fluid gushed out of her mouth, she continues to let out the vomit until she felt it was cleared.

She gets cleaned up and walks back out, and immediately bumps into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she apologizes.

"Selena?" she looks up to recognize the familiar voice.

"Oh my gosh, Chace?"

"Haven't seen you in so long," the dirty blond says, bringing her in for a hug, "How you've been?"

Running into exes were weird in general, but in an elementary school... way more.

"Great," she nods, "Well ish," then shrugging it off, "What are you doing here?"

"Dropping my son off," he turns and points at a little dirty blond that was playing with the children by the front of the class, he was actually in one of Selena's art classes.

"Oh? He's a really good student," she comments, "Where's your wife?"

"We're divorced," Chace answer, in a shy manner, he runs his hands through his hair.

"That's... awkward?" a nervous laugh escapes her lips, but it caused him to chuckle instead of feeling offended or anything. "Well want to meet up sometime for coffee? I have class now so..."

"Oh yea, for sure, where's my number," he pulls out a business card and jots down 10 digits. She takes it and swaps with him. "Cool, see you around?"

"Yup" she smiles, they hug before he waves to his son and disappears through the doors.


After work Demi took her, her over protective sister didn't trust her to go alone and thought it would be easier if she went with her. It was a small little clinic in town.

"Selena Gomez-Jonas?" the nurse comes out to call her.

"Yes!" they both got up, Selena turns to her sister, "Hey, I'll go in myself, don't worry."

Demi nods, "Okay, you can do this!"

"Your sister isn't going to war, she's going to see the doctor," her boyfriend, Joe Adam, says.

She nudges him.

"Have a seat," the doctor assigns for her, "What can I do for you today?"

"Uhm... well last night till this mornin I've been puking, like when I smell something heavy like cheese my stomach just tightens," She explains to the doctor, praying that it was nothing too serious like some tumor.

"Okay, let's check your pulse," Dr. Eisen suggests and takes out her hand to check Selena's pulse. She places it on the little pillow, the doctor has a confused face. "Let's just do an ultra sound so I could address this to you properly."

Broken Knot.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz