✨ 15 ✨

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I stood at my window and watched Maya standing on our driveway looking so lost and forlorn that all I wanted to do was pull her into a hug and protect her forever. But I couldn't do that because I knew that I was the cause of her pain and anguish.

I touched my cheek where she had touched me and froze. Her hands had felt so smooth on my cheek and in that moment I realized that, that was the first physical contact Maya and I had made. It was so strange and had me feeling all sorts of ways. Then she had to go ahead and say that I had saved her life.

What had she meant by saying that I had been her lifeline? Maybe it was just gibberish or she meant it in another way. It just didn't make sense to me.

I looked at her again and its like she felt I was watching her because she looked back at the house and her eyes trained up towards the attic. I immediately jumped away from the window. I didn't want her to think that I was a creep for watching her.

A few minutes later I heard a car pull up and when I peeped I recognized it as Violet's car. At least she would get home safe, that was one less problem for me to worry about. Now I just had to go confront Amanda for inviting her without telling me. I had been caught so unaware and that wasn't fair in the slightest.

Just as I was about the get to the door, it barged opened and slammed against the wall in a thud. Tamara stormed into my room looking the angriest I'd ever seen her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"She yelled.

I knew what she was angry about but I refused to feel guilty. I was allowed to be angry.

"Nothing."I mumbled squaring my shoulders to make myself taller.

I might have been the tallest and the biggest in the family but all the women in my family intimidated me one way or another. Even Oma who was the shortest at 5'7 scared the shit out of me.

"You were so rude to her Eli and I don't understand why. For eight years you have been mopping around wanting her back and she's finally here, alive and well but you're acting like a complete asshole towards her."Tamara pointed out.

"I don't want her back, she should have stayed gone or dead."I yelled back.

"You don't mean that."Tamara said her voice getting softer.

"Yes I do."I affirmed.

"I know her leaving hurt you but she's back. You have a second chance to fix things but you're not taking advantage of it. Have you gotten so used to the pain that you refuse to open your heart up to love her again?"Tamara asked.

"She left Tam, she left and she didn't say goodbye, she didn't write or call and now she's back thinking we can pick up where we left off. No, she should have stayed the fuck away because I don't need her anymore."I demanded.

"Eli, no, it doesn't work that way. She's here and she wants to fix things. You have to give her that chance. It's okay if you don't want to be her friend again but you two need to talk so you can figure things out. I'm sure she had her reasons for leaving but you will never know until you both talk."Tamara advised.

"I don't want to talk to her. Why is it so hard for all of you to understand that?"I shouted getting angry that nobody was listening to me.

"Because we care about you and it hurts us to see you doing this to yourself."Tamara replied.

"If you cared about me, you would let me deal with this on my own."I declared.

"It doesn't work that way in this family especially if what you are doing is causing more damage to you and to that special girl who actually came back for you and is trying her best to fix things."Tamara explained.

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