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"They came."My aunt announced happily to Violet and I as soon as we walked downstairs for breakfast.

Violet and I looked at each other before scrambling forward to get the letters from her. Mine was from the University of Michigan and hers was from the University of South California.

"What are you doing? Open them."My aunt demanded.

"Nope, we'll text you the results later."Violet replied taking my hand and dragging me out of the house.

We didn't even have breakfast, there wasn't time. Just then both our phones pinged with messages from the group chat.

"We need to get to school."Violet declared unlocking her car.

I got in next to her clutching my letter to my chest. I had gotten letters from other universities but this one was the big one and the final one. Elijah and I were still sticking to our promise to go to the same university and I knew he really wanted to go to Michigan. It was his dream university and even if he hadn't opened his letter yet his was a guaranteed acceptance. As for me it was still a fifty fifty shot so I was very unsure. I didn't care where I went, all that I cared about was that Elijah and I went to the same school.

"You nervous?"Violet asked glancing at me.

"Yes, very."I replied feeling like my heart was beating out of my chest.

"I am too but I believe in us."Violet replied taking my hand in hers.

She was brave and I was too but at the moment I couldn't seem to grasp at all that courage.

Elijah and I had been anticipating this moment for the longest time possible and I didn't want to be the reason we both failed. Ever since we got back together three months ago things had been going so good between us. Elijah was finally in therapy and things couldn't be better. When we had a problem instead of him lashing out or closing me off, he'd learnt to communicate his feelings. I had also taken time to make him understand our connection better and once he was over the fear of treating me and himself like an egg we were okay. Everything was finally on track and this was just one more hurdle we had to get past through.

I had thought long and hard about the course I wanted to pursue and I'd finally decided on being a physical therapist. Tamara had inspired me with the work she had done with Elijah and I liked helping people. I also liked keeping fit so a physical therapist was the best option for me.

"We're here."Violet announced pulling up into her usual spot.

Everyone had already arrived except for us and we could tell by their anxious faces that they were waiting for us. We had all agreed to open our final letters together that's why we had skipped breakfast at home. We had even prohibited each other from looking online so that we could all share the experience. We had helped each other with our exams and essays so our grades weren't going to be an issue.

I got out of the car and immediately walked into Elijah's arms who was waiting for me with my daily dose of serotonin.

"Good morning bug."Elijah greeted his voice rumbling making me tingle all over.

"Morning."I replied my voice coming out muffled.

Elijah and I had spent five weeks apart but he had finally made his way back to me and from that moment on I'd learnt to treasure each moment I got with him. Our relationship had been rocky at the beginning of the year after we got back together but we had worked on it as a couple and now we were stronger than ever.

"Okay enough cuddling, are we doing this or not?"Finn asked sounding very nervous.

I let go of Elijah and faced my friends but still leaning on him, my back to his chest.

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