The Doppelganger Solution (Part Three)

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"It does help, Michael Landoll, fellow Nittany Lion."

"Great, then let's get on with the plan, Jim. Time is an issue here."

"The part of the file you saw was very wordy, but in short, you will be replacing Lars Grazlbob. He's a bodyguard at the limousine motor pool for the Braklugenz. They accompany everyone using limos from there. There are seven others, but you will not be interacting with them. Lucky for us Bougativian policy discourages socializing while working. You'll be there only one day. Flown in and flown home by the same private jet from a small airfield near Bougoulon, the capitol city of Bougativa. And you and Mary will live with this delicate secret for your hopefully long and happy lives. Frank Simmons, your boss, will be given only partial knowledge of the mission. His Army training and pride in his country, will secure this secret, we're certain, for the rest of his hopefully long and happy life as well. We value his service as we do yours and Mary's."

"What happens to this Lars guy?"

"We don't know. That part's not important. Bougativians or Bogats aren't very forthcoming about an event such as this one. That morning, he will have his ritual morning coffee at his usual cafe. Soon he will be hospitalized with a coma whose cause is unknown. When the untraceable drug wears off, he will be fine. His wallet and any ID will not be with him. You will be in the air before they find out Lars' identity.  I'm sure they will investigate but will not find anything unnatural. No one will ever know the truth of our mission."

"That's too bad for Lars, right?"

"Too bad for the world if we don't act now."

"OK, then. Let's roll."

"Ah, yeah, that 9/11 thing. Relax Jim there's a lot still ahead of us yet, so ..."

(To Be Continued)

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