Opossums And Opossums On A Half-shell

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I guess armadillos must shed their shell a bit south of Wichita
On or either side of the road
I guess they must turn into opossums bit south of Wichita

Differences ain't so much though

Coyotes probably preferred them with no shell
Armadillos really good hiders

They hide out in rocks or chapperel
Sometimes they hunker down burying themselves in soft sand, that works well

Opossums on the other hand, hide in drain pipes under porches, under buildings or in hollow trees
They like my dogs food and my trash can
You can leave them on the road or on either side
Just avoid tomorrow's breeze

I don't mind armadillos as much
Wish I had one for a pet

"Don't mess with Texas"
But they don't have this many opossums I bet
Probably shot them all

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