Oh That Was Then

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Europe's history is a book of what human nature is capable of.
It preserves its culture and buildings while displacing people as much as they are allowed to.
Like rival ants fighting over an apple core.

America, on the other hand, preserves very little very long.
Money is to be made by replacing everything they can.
Buildings are torn down so that lower quality ones can be built for more expensive costs.
Anything that can be invented has to be invented whether it should be or not.
We're obsessed with new and shun anything old, like the history we are supposed to learn from.
The American I was used to is old now.
Opression is older than democracy.
But today it's the one old thing the nose blind justice system seems to want to keep on the menu.


Most of us think is stinks but the morality police think it smells good enough for us to have to smell it.
If I like onions, I know that forcing onion on others is bad manners.
That lesson in democracy is lost on these narrow minded fools.

Pray for the sinners, and leave them to sin.
It's above your pay grade to force us to be criminals in order to appease your beliefs.
Democracy allows us to think and believe with liberty.
We have free speech and control our own body decisions.
You know, that "old" stuff they want to remove.
Benjamin  Franklin, Thomas Paine, and all of the founding fathers, especially  Thomas Jefferson, believed the federal government should not be polluted with theocracy or impose it.

Just the opposite, avoid it!

Has this new bunch of Christians forgotten their boundaries?


They only use it to gain power.
How is that going to go over with their  boss?
He is supposed to return for their final awaited judgment.


Making up rules for Ceasar's law wasn't in the original plan guys.

Oh well!

Like the "old" sayings go, "out of sight, out of mind" and "when the cat's away, the mice will play".....

For now!

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