About Yesterday

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I was there, we all were
I can think about being there, then, in another day I'm looking back this far
Seein is believin, but, somethin seen is like a falling star
Falls once, then no more star

Then you're in another day looking back this far
Remembering comes sometimes like mystic magic from afar
Seein is believin, but, seein a thing somethin like a falling star

In a time here, then gone and memory returns it
Although I can't see it like a star
I feel I believe the memory show like a wormhole science channel in my head
Only seen by me, and only I can believe what  I see
Only I can see that far back in my  head
More personal than eyesight
I just feel I believe it instead

Don't need a falling star to have another day looking back this far...then another one...all put to bed
And they really did happen  just like I remember, they live in my head
We go to all the trouble of makin them
We shouldn't just forget them

We're always in one, every day
With or without a falling star
Remembering, then, in another day lookin back this far...what to gleen from it all

I remember it just like it was yesterday

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