Is History "Allowed" Repetition?

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I hate to rant, but I can't let go of this.

Because the American news media agenda is "feed any fire, then sell everybody water".

Resulting in....cha-ching!

Beware of the "storyline".

Before Hitler and the Nazis, Benito Mussolini, of Italy, was Europe's first real dictator in the early 20th century. Before that, guess what,  he was a journalist.

History only repeats itself when nobody learns the "why".

The most important part of a news story is "why" did it occur. What lead to the moment of the event.

Who today is the hungry rat knawing on this bone of ambition, power! And which network or journalist will try to achieve a Mussolini position.

It happened once before, let's pay attention!

North Korea, China and Russia have scary leaders. Maybe nice guy leaders are out of style. They are easily fooled.

If the wolf is at the door, we need a doorman that won't invite it in, then feed it.

It may be unpleasant to say "I smell a rat". But if there is one, someone should have the balls to say it and then do something about it before it breeds.

Maybe it's time to start being a little more scary instead of making everything equal.

The poor will always be with us. Equality is unsustainable.

Some work for their sprinkles and deserve them. Some will not.....always! It's human nature.

If we are not stronger than the threat, it will consume us.

I don't like bad behavior in leadership, no one really does.

I also don't like the inconvenience of brushing my teeth, going to the doctor, disciplining children, going to work each day, mowing the lawn, or cleaning up after someone, but the responsibility it there. Maybe an effective solution to a worldwide crisis is having a dad that will spank you.

Theodore Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big stick.".

Today we need someone to speak loudly and make the world leaders afraid to displease the guys that provide all the handouts.

Also, stand on the neck of the media and cut their tongue out if they misrepresent facts or malignantly make up facts.

Pay attention out there!

We're getting close, we are leaning now and if we keep leaning, we will fall.

They stopped the Tower of Pisa before it was too late.

But we allowed the twin towers to go down.

I wish I did not have to write about this shit but I am compelled to!
I getting a little pissed off.

We should, all of us, get pissed off and turn things around.

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