2024 Sees The Return Of The Dormant Stinkbug

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The dreaded 90-year cycle of the Ictator Stinkbug has arrived in areas all over the country

It sleeps, then it wakes again, fouling the air for everyone

It soon dies, leaving the unwanted stench which lives on
It's their life's work

It's like halitosis osmosis
Some kinda bad magic, its air overcomes everything that proper fresh air would provide

This swarm works against any healthy fresh air cranial efficiency
It's kinda like what a stupid dog would do with a car he chases if he could actually catch it
It's impossible, but he would probably do nothing more than hold it, chew onp it angerly, and keep it from moving forward
Stopping everything until it dies

The last swarm 90 years ago in its beginning appeared to be more reasonable
Soon, it fouled everything good

This latest swarm had nothing but stink from the start
Chocking everyone and everything except the swarm itself
Based on past behavior of its leaders, it's  predicted by theorists that as the swarm grows, it will gradually be eaten by the swarms king or queen
They grow the swarm to feed themselves
Who being infertile themselves run out of food and die or go dormant

The smell, though, lives on

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