No More Wobble In The Spin Cycle

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Everywhere, it seems, there's a new focus on tattoos, a new phone every six months, tweets, seven dollar a cup of coffee, Nike shoes, and team sports items.

Is this the world in balance?

Could this priority trend facilitate a centrifugal dynamic force that finally, fairly distributes in abundance with a spinning broadcast of economic parity.

Also, a more tolerant social balance with no wobble of course.

If we stay true to our current course, it will be a world off balance.

Global Helter-skelter.

In Wobbleville, where we all sheltered, we'll all, at the least, need a new washing machine.

Or maybe everybody justs gets a green jacket, like Tiger Woods.

Gold metals are sold at the smoke shop like knives, diplomas and other goods.

And Starbucks puts lattes in everyone's new refillable 1st place trophy.

A perfect world at last.

Thud! Thud! Hey! Wow!

I just woke up, something must have scared me.

I could have had a bad dream.



Wife's using that damn washing machine.

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