A 90-Day Trial, I Hear Ya

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Oh, grandpa!
We're so happy for you
You can hear us better now

I know you didn't want to hear about hearing aids, ha ha

Yeah, kids
I get that free 90-day trial first
To see if it works for me
Grandma, you don't have to yell at me anymore, Ok

Oh yeah, I hear better now
I've heard my neighbors fights and every word in the book
And his squeally fan belt on that truck he has with no muffler
By the way, did the neighbors dog always bark all night?
And when they leave town their kid's music is awfully loud

Chuck across the street starts his big Harley at exactly 5:35 am. every. freaking. morning
Way too early
I didn't know before
Even Sunday? Really?

The remote volume is lower now, although, I now hear much better
But it seems what I'm hearing on TV isn't like I thought it would be
Radio programming ain't any better, also boring and stupid
It's always about things that have nothing to do with me
I live in a settled adult world
No news there

Too high a price to pay for such disappointing results
So it's gonna be like this
Talk louder
I'm watching the three stooges, lmao
Don't need captions or even volume

I'm lowering my expectations
Whatever I miss, they will just have to repeat
I can think more clearly now that I don't have to hear all that crap

So I got my money back
No problem
After this 90-day trial...I really have heard enough!

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