Pandemic of Mooncooties

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Well, Mooncooties are the new disease.

Much worse than the landsharks of the 1970's.

Everybody's got um and happy to know, the money's on it's way, we're part of the show.

Comes down from up, like most things do, goes up and down, in and through; invisible, indivisible, unacceptable, unsociable, and what? Unaffordable, wow! Unpredictable, unconstitutional, unpresidential, unrepenting, unrelenting, unstoppable, NO!

There's no spray, no way. No bomb or torch, no bug light on the front porch.

"Where they from, where they at?"

Damn Mooncooties!!!!

The more I say it, the worse they get.

Oh well, take a shower, do some work on your house, us Mooncoots got to live somewhere.

Guess we'll try some white vinegar and soap, and what's left of our fairy dust supply.

Imagine that

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