What Have They Done?

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The Cherokee in early America applied themselves to becoming citizens and assimilating into the fabric of patriotic citizenship like European and English immigrants.

This tribe of indigenous people were given their rightful inheritance. The Supreme Court gave them the right to become citizens and granted them the land they inhabited before this country was founded.

Unfortunately for them, Andrew Jackson was the President of the United States. He had them removed to Oklahoma on the trail of tears. He had coveted their land for settlement and the gold, eventhough not much had been found there.

The Cherokee were sanctioned by one branch of the government and exiled by another. Very cruel. But America was drunk on "manifest destiny". Native Americans actually knew there was enough land for everyone.

The Cherokee had a handshake and a stab in the back by the same government.

Women now have something in common with the Cherokee. Denial of rights given to them by the bill of rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

In the Preamble to the Constitution the founding fathers established this young government in a way to keep personal beliefs or fabricated dogma out of the way of the workings of a new and struggling government. It allowed freedom of belief and faith, an experiment in liberty for all.

Lately, it seems we're regressing back to controlling more and denying liberty to those of different personal beliefs. Is that what our founding father's wanted from our decision makers? That's unamerican. Another violation of a huge group of people with different ways and traditions.

History tells us what Americans thought of Germany's way of dealing with rigid compliance to bigoted ignorance and it's barbarism. What happened to our disdain regarding ruthless treatment or disregard for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Real Christians initially realized that some would disregard their idea of a Christian lifestyle. That's their business. God will deal with them. We now have Christians who interpret God's judgment to suit their own rules. Isn't that what your Satan guy does? Better read your instruction manual before changing your God's original plan. Tolerate difference. Let your God deal with them so you don't stray above your clearence level.

The native people, the African
Americans, now our women?

You are disregarding the consequences of drastic change affecting women. Who has the right to decide what medical procedures a woman can have access to?  Your job is to protect the rights of living citizens. There is no opening for a "controlling a woman's body" czar in our government.

The titles "Mr Justice" or "Your Honor" are something we look at much differently now.

You may have just become the  author of an insurrection. I witnessed on TV what happened on January 6th. Unacceptable!

This ruling is wrong.  I now understand that intense sense of "something must be done". I am afraid of what's coming down the pike? I'm not alone and I'm not even a woman. But I am a tax paying citizen of this country. I am appalled at the way this went down! The Christian Right does not promote democracy!

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