The Hornet In The Sunroom

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We can't enjoy our sunroom now
Dad screened in our deck years ago
It was a place to spend time in peace
In such a crazy world it was needed

Kid friendly, the whole family could gather in a safe, enjoyable environment
Without invasion or threat from the unmanageable dangers of our world today

A Hornet somehow is now flying around with impunity
It has ruined the space
Dad tried to swat at it
But our mother and Aunt Cindy protested the killing

This goes against our messaging of honoring life
The right of living away from violence as a solution
There were others who agreed to let it live there
Sprays are not allowed, not safe for kids or pets

The Hornet spends our lives in fear
It's one of God's creatures say some
Let's just live with the danger

Division has torn the family apart
And when we consult others about the hornet
We receive the same two answers
Kill it now or try to live with it

Valuable time passes without the use of the sunroom at all

It stung my older brother's girlfriend
They broke up over it
Her dad may sue us

Still some won't change their view on killing it
Other issues have now risen up to further divide us

After the stinging event, our brother joined the Army just to leave home
He's not army material at all
He said he won't even come home on leave
He hates it here now

My other brother tried to kill it
He fell from a ladder and broke his back
No college scholarship in football now

Our mother had a nervous breakdown and the family is a mess over it

My dad lost his job over time spent with family crisis

Now those in favor of allowing the hornet to live are exhausted over the whole issue but still adhere to their position

I overheard a conversation the three of them had
That they do wish someone would have killed it before they knew it was even there

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