4-The club

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While walking i felt some kind of feeling in my throat so i walked not saying a word when all the others laughed and joked. "You're ok?" Thomas asked me. I turned to him "yeah, just... My legs aren't doing their job how they supposed to" i found an excuse, not knowing what to say.

"Hop on my back" Ethan joined our conversation. "What?" I wanted to make sure if i heard right. "C'mon hop on I'll carry you to the club, it's not a big deal since the club is few blocks away". He smiled. He came in front of me with his back turned to me. I jumped a bit and Ethan catched me on his back.

He carried me and made some funny movements making me laugh. He started running a bit and now we were in front of everybody. I could feel a stong gaze on my back, but i was living the moment so i didn't pay too much attencion to it. "They're cute" i heard Olivia saying to Damiano.
~God, she's really crazy~

"Yeah" i heard Damiano respond, he didn't sound too happy about Olivia's comment. I was really confused but didn't think about it too much. Maybe just bad mood or something..

After some minutes we were standing in front of the club. "Only people who has 20years are allowed to go here" the man said.
~Shit, I'm only 19~
I gave him my ID, but then Damiano told the man "don't worry, she's with me, i'm her boyfriend". I was shocked a bit, but i think it was an only way to get in. "Ohh, sorry miss" the man apologised to me. I gave him a smile and went in.
"Thank you, Dami" i told him while walking to the free table. "No worries" he responded kindly.

Vic, Olivia and I were dancing while boys were taking shots. They were pretty drunk already, so were we. Suddenly while dancing I felt somethink touching my back, when i turned back i saw Damiano smirking. His hands were on my hips, and he made movements with hip lap. (Don't get it wrong, he was dancing) I started dancing with him. We both had huge smiles on our faces.

After the song ended, he huged me thight. I almost couldn't breath. "I'm tired" i heard him say. I didn't know what to do, so i simply huged his shoulders and went to others. "Guys Damiano is tired" i said. Victoria just gavs me a key "here, the adress is *********, we will come back a bit later". I took the key and wrote down the adress to not forget it. "Come with me Dami" i said kindly to him. He weren't really able to walk correctly, cause he was really drunk, but he tried his best.

We walked outside, and started waiting for a taxi. Damiano wasn't really into standing so after a few minutes we sat down. He fell asleep on my shoulder, but after a moment he got uncomfortabble so he put his head in my lap and totally laid on a bench.
I won't lie he was cute while sleeping even tho he was drunk as fuck.

The taxi came and Damiano was still sleeping in my lap. "Wake up" i said softly to him. He just smiled, but didn't do anything more. "C'monn wake up, taxi is here" i said again. He slowly opened his eyes ans yawned. "Don't worry you will more sleep at your home" i laughed. He sat on the bench while i stood up and helped him to do too. I somehow managed to put him in the taxi, but still he fell asleep there.

"Looking how YOU treat HIM, HE should treak YOU like a goddamn princess!!" The taxi driver laughed. I just laughed at his comment. The whole ride was quiet, the whole ride i just stared at the sleeping boy next to me.

After some time we got to the house, which is called... Må house, i guess or something like that.. but anyways. I helped him to reach his bedroom and helped him to lay down. "C'mon Dami take off your clothes, it's not comfortabble to sleep with them, especially when they stink alcohol and cigarretes." He did. Now he was laying in his bed with only his boxers. I sat next to him and waited 'till he falls asleep incase he would need something. I didn't even notices when my eyes got heavy and i fall asleep next to him.

*Next morning*
"Hey Dam- ohhh" i heard Vic. I opened my eyes slowly and found Vic looking at me with the smile on her face. Thank god Damiano was still sleeping and didn't notice that i slept in his bed with HIM. I got out of his room to the others. When i opened Thomas's bedroom door i found him and Olivia sleeping cutely.
God i should've noticed something between them yesterday, i mean it wasn't that hard to notice:
Thomas flirting with her.
Olivia blushing.
And other things. I'll be honest, i actually really happy for them.

I went downstairs. Ethan was laying on the couch looking like a zombie.
"What happened, Ethan?" I asked him. "My head hurts ass fuuucckk" he groaned. I laughed, and then i thought that Damiano was wayyy moooreee drunk than Ethan, so i can't even imagine his bad. I decided to give him a pill from headache.

I took a pill, a glass with water and went upstairs, i went inside his room and with that he opened his eyes. "Good morning" i said. "Hello, Bella!!!" Woah,he seemed excited to see me. I went closer to him and sat on the side of his bed. He also sat up and groaned. "Headache?" I asked him already knowing the answer. He simply nodded. "Here, drink this, it will help you" i handed him the pill and the water. "Thanks" he took the pill.

"I'll be downstairs" i said and stood up. "WAIT!" he semi-shouted. "Can you tell me about yesterday? I don't remember a shit from yesterday" he smiled. "Did i do something stupid?"
"You didn't, don't worry, well about yesterday:
You were reaaalllyy drunk, i remember that we danced together, took shots and in the last dance hu huged me and said that you're tired..
Theeen... i took you here home and i f... nevermind, that's all" i told him my memories.
"You f-?" He give me a sign to finish.
"I fell asleep here, next to you, haha" i laughed at myself.
"Ahh why all the good things happens when i'm drunk?" He asked himself. "Sorry, i didn't heard you, can you repeat?" I tried to understand what he just said. "No nothing" hi smiled. "We should go downstairs".

What a drag to love you like I do {Damiano David}Where stories live. Discover now