30 - Meeting

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Morning. The blinding light were shining from the window straight into my face.
I closed my eyes and opened them again slowly, getting used to the light.

My eyes still were heavy, but I knew, i won't fall asleep again. The only thing on my mind was the visit. I hope that Bella's here. I can imagine as the door opens and there's her mother and behind her stands my girl, or maybe she even opens the door. I know she's not mad at me, but she is really hurt.

I took a cold shower to get some energy and it truly helped. The cold water removed all the tiredness in me. But now, i'm freezing. I ran into the room and wrapped myself in a towel and in the blanket.

After about 10minutes, i finally got warm and managed to wrap-out. I put on a nice outfit and went to the bathroom. Dark circles under my eyes were really visible, so i put a tiny bit of makeup, just to cover them up. I didn't want to look scary. I need to do a good impression to Bella's parents after all.

It's now really hard to control myself, because i'm soo nervous. My whole stuff was back in the hotel, and me..I was already on my way to the address.


Taxi just stopped in front of the house. I checked the address twice just to be sure it's here. The house was nothing special. Just a simple family house. I took a deep breath and went to the front door. *knock knock*

I stood nervously, fidgeting my rings when i heard a female voice inside "Miguel, open the door!" "Ok" answered another. I heard quick footsteps coming towards me. The door opened and on the other side stood a familiar man. I saw him in the photo with the woman and Bella. "Hello, kid" he greeted me. "Hello, i'm Damiano David" i said with slightly shaking voice. "I'm Miguel Accardi, nice to meet you" he shook my hand.

"Come in, it's not nice to hold a conversation with door between us" he laughed and opened the door wider for me to come in. The walls were decorated with pictures. It was Bella and her parents almost everywhere. We went to the kitchen and there stood a woman drying her hands into the towel.

"Amor, this is Damiano" Mr. Accardi said to woman. She looked at me and smiled "Hello, i'm Maria". "Nice to meet you" i nodded. "Tea, coffee?" Maria asked both me and Miguel. "Coffee" said Miguel. "Tea for me, per favore" i said. "Uuh, italian?" Asked Miguel smiling at me. "Yes, I am" i smiled back.

After a couple of minutes the tea was in front of me. We all sat behind the table. "So what brings you here, Damiano?" Maria asked me. "I-is Bella here? I really need to see her" I looked down. "Oh" sighed miguel and looked to his wife.

"We want to see her too, but she left long time ago, because some things happened here.." Maria said giving me a sad smile. "Who are you?" Mr. Accardi asked me. What do I tell them? "Well it's hard to tell you now, but we were together for sure, now...now i'm just looking for her, she left me and her friends and just dissappeared, she flew to another country and no one knows where" i said and felt myself tearing up. Maria covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh my god" she whispered.
"How long have you been together?" Miguel look at Maria then turned to me. "Almost a year" i said. "You love her?" Maria now was the one looking straight into my eyes. "More than anything" i sighed. She's not here.

She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.
She's not here.

That's the only thing I know about her now.

With that thought i didn't feel as the tears were on my cheeks already. "Oh boy" Maria came to me and hugged me tight. She whispered. "You can spent the night here, in her room if you want" she was so nice to me, i obviously didn't deserve this after all I did. "Thanks" i said quietly.

We drank some tea, Bella's parents showed me the pictures of her when she was a kid. I adore her in every possible way.

Maria and I went upstairs. We walked to the door "It's Bella's room" she smiled and went back downstairs.

I took a deep breath and opened the door:

I Looked around the room and spotted an acoustic guitar, I didn't knew she played guitar

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I Looked around the room and spotted an acoustic guitar, I didn't knew she played guitar. I went and sat on the bed. The whole room smelled like her, hypnotising me.

I layed down looking at the wall and thinking what to do next.
Maybe I should ask for some help in internet, i have millions of followers, maybe some of them saw here somewhere....
Maybe i should go to the police station and announce her as a missing person.....

My head hurts from all of this, but there's no other way. I suddenly felt dizzy, really dizzy......


Damiano left yesterday. Me and guys are really worried for him and for his mental health. He's loosing his mind.

I'd like him to stop travelling around and just be here with us. To get over the breakup and live happily, but i knew i won't change his mind. He's crazy in love. They're like Romeo and Juliet, they'd rather die than be apart, or be with someone else.

"I wonder did they meet.." i say to myself, but Ethan heard me "Who?". "Damiano and Bella, in Spain, as much as I know he went to her parents" I sighed. "Let's just hope for the best" he stroked my back and went to his room.

I decided not to pay too much attencion to all of this. It's Damiano's decision and i should respect it, so i will do so.


I decided to not sit in one place and already do something. I went to a store and brought myself a camera and a new laptop (i mean, i still have a little money so why not). A  really good camera tho.

I went home and downloaded some apps i need to wotk with photos. It was midday so i still had lots of time for my bussiness. The weather was reallg good, so i decided to go outside. Of course i took camera with me.

I was sitting on a bench looking at some photos i took some minutes ago. "Can i see?" A voice besides asked me. I turned my head and saw a handsome boy. "Y-yeah" i turned the little screen of the camera towards him.

"These are good" he smiled to me. "What's your name?" "I'm Bella" i said a bit nervous. "Nice to meet ya, Bella, I'm Edward, but call me Ed" he lifted his hand for me to shake which i gladly did.

Normally i would just tell him to fuck off, but i really need friends here, sooo...


What a drag to love you like I do {Damiano David}Where stories live. Discover now