Chapter 35

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Cha saw how Y/N how happily sipped the coffee from the cup.

She just stared at him all the way while he enjoyed his warm drink.

The two of them were in a cafe in the city and it was quite late at the night... like 9 pm, but people still came to the cafe even at this unusual hour.

Cha had a cup of tea but hers remained untouched. She wasn't thirsty at all.

Y/N noticed this and placed his cup over the table.

"Come on, drink your tea. It looks like I'm forcing you to take part on this date."

"It's not a date, Black Dragon Emperor."

He rose an eyebrow along with a smirk.

"Now we're getting formal? Earlier you were calling me by my name, in a very sweet tone if I may add. Why so cold all of sudden?"

"This is a mission not some sort of silly gets up. So let's get to the point."

Y/N's shoulders fell at her sharp tone.

"Then let's do as you wish. To get to the point, how do you know so much about me? And when I said that, I mean how you know about my time inside Purgatory. Are you some sort of mind reader?"

Cha crossed her arms hesitant of answering his questions but she decided to do so nonetheless.

"Kind of, I can read superficial memories from anyone's head, it works better on humans than other races. But it is limited, plus I need to make visual contact with them and focus... a lot."

He hummed in assent.

That made sense of how she knew about those things she of him and purgatory.

"Well, you should know that you hold a piece of secret information about my life and I hope that you don't spread it out like powder. Less to your leaders in Khaos Brigade. Speaking of which... Why your organization wants me?"

"They need all the power they can gather to fulfill their desires. That includes the Dragon Emperors, one of the most influential power fountains when it comes to sacred gears."

"And their desire is.. to create a new world based on a Utopia by destroying this one. They want to start anew, right?"

Cha let out a heavy breath while crossing her arms.

"Precisely. And we need you to do that."

"When you say "We"... Do you include yourself in that goal? Or are you saying that because you're meant to say it?"

At this question, she bites her lip a little.

Y/N smirked inwardly.

So she was doubtful about all this Khaos Brigade thing. But she replied seconds after.

"I also desire for this world to have a fresh start. It is currently rotten and it needs a fix."

"Don't you find... delightful to see an indeed rotten world keep its course further? True, this world is rotten but that's what makes it special. Is like having a child, you love it even with their flaws."

"You're deliriant. Anyway, what's your answer?"

Y/N grabbed the cup of coffee and finished it all in one go.

Then he grinned at her as he placed the now empty cup back on the table.

"You already know my answer, Cha. I won't lend you irrational fanatics my Power. You won't get it. Never, Ever. In fact, with this power that your organization so much desires I will use it to destroy them from the inside and out."

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now