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As soon as Hailey got in the truck, Jay hit the gas. He turned on the sirens, not caring about any trouble he could get in.

"Kamryn come on. Stay with me, honey. You need to stay awake" Hailey was coaxing their child to stay awake but Jay could hear the worry.

"Mom" she just mumbled, trying to lay down on the seat again.

"No honey. No. We're almost there. Sit up" Hailey held her up but then felt the heat radiating off her. She felt her head and immediately got even more worried. "She's burning up. How far away are we?"

"2 minutes. Hang in there, Kam. Almost there" Jay told Hailey and then Kamryn, as he looked in the rearview mirror. He could see Kamryn fading in the back, trying to slump against Hailey.

"'m tryin mama" Kamryn slurred,  obviously not doing so well. Without warning, she threw up all over the floorboard of the truck just as Jay had pulled up to med. He jumped out and opened the back door, grabbing his shivering daughter and running inside.

"Will. Will" he caught his brother just as he'd left a room.

"Woah, Jay what's going on?" He asked, seeing Kamryn in his arms and knowing something was off with his niece.

"We had her at the district with us today. She was fine, slept, and then when Hailey woke her up, she went right back down and we couldn't get her fully awake. She just threw up in my truck and she's burning up. It sounded like she was slurring too." Jay explained, handing Kamryn over to his brother. Will took her and immediately put her in a treatment room, starting to look her over with Maggie.


Jay and Hailey anxiously waited for them to come out as the unit arrived.

"She okay?" Kim asked immediately, Adam right behind her.

"Um.  We haven't heard anything. Will took her and we know nothing" Jay said quietly, his voice laced with worry.

Hailey was silent, not even looking up at the unit as they got there. Jay was gently holding her hand with one of his hands and rubbing her back with the other. It was taking everything in both of them to not panic over their daughter.

"Jay, Hailey" Will came out, getting the 2 of them and pulling them to the side.

"Is Kam okay?" Jay asked immediately, feeling Hailey's hand tighten in his.

"She went septic. And you guys did great noticing that she wasn't herself. You got her here in time." Will explained, looking for any questioning looks.

"I don't get it. She's been home for almost a week, we've been cleaning the incisions and keeping up on her meds. How did this happen?" Jay asked, getting a little upset, along with the frustration.

"Something had to have gotten in her. Sometimes it just happens." Will tried to explain but only saw confusion and worry on his brother's face. "Come on. I'll take you guys to your girl. She's awake and a little more alert, already asking for mom and dad"

Hailey took comfort in hearing that their child was awake and asking for them.

As they reached the room, they saw their little girl barely awake and under the hospital blankets again.

"Mama" she mumbled, looking over at the door.

"Hi sweetheart" she smiled a little, hugging her baby gently.

"How you feeling honey?" Jay asked her, sitting on the bed carefully.

"Really weird" Kamryn mumbled, looking between her parents.

"That's okay honey. Try and go back to sleep." Jay told her, looking at Hailey.

"How long is Will keeping her?" Hailey asked quietly, while Jay was starting to get Kamryn settled to sleep.

"Probably a few days. I want him to keep her a few at least. I don't want this to happen again." Jay told her, playing with Kamryn's hair.

Once the teenager was asleep, the worried parents went out to find Will.

"Will," Jay said, getting his attention as he came around the corner.

"How's she doing?" Will asked, setting the iPad down on the counter.

"Said she feels weird. She went back to sleep. How long are you keeping her here?"

"You'll have to talk to Dr. Marcel" Will sighed, as Jay's face dropped. "she's family Jay. You know I can't take her case. I can check in on her but can't make any treatment decisions."

"He's the one that had her after the kidnapping right?" Jay asked, still calm but also very fidgety and nervous.

"Yes. He'll take care of her. I talked to him earlier. When I see him, I'll send him in. Go sit with Kam" Will told his younger brother, getting a nod and watching them retreat to the treatment room.

Kamryn was still sound asleep and both parents were watching her like a hawk. Hailey blamed herself for not seeing any of the signs, and not feeling like she checked on her enough.

"You're quiet," Jay said, looking over at her as he messed with Kamryn's blankets.

"Jay what if I didn't see it? What if I just let her go back to sleep? She'd probably be dead. Because of me." Hailey said softly, staring at Kamryn's sleeping form. "I promised myself that I would be a good mom and right now, I don't know Jay. It's the second time our kid has been in a hospital bed in a week."

"Woah. Hailey. You're not a doctor. You're a detective. How were you supposed to know that our kid was going septic? We did everything right. Even Will said that." Jay told his wife as he got up and went to sit by her. "You're an amazing mom to Kam. She loves you and I more than anything. And I'm sure she'll tell you that when she's awake."

Hailey just nodded and watched Kamryn. To say Hailey was exhausted was an understatement, they'd been up a while. Between the case, and her daughter being rushed to the hospital again, both her and Jay were spent.

"Mommy" Kamryn mumbled a few hours later, which Jay noticed. He knew Kam usually only called them mommy or daddy when she was sick, in pain, or scared.

"I know honey. It's gonna be okay" Hailey told her, getting in the bed with her. Kamryn just nodded and snuggled up to her mom, falling asleep in her arms once again.

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