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Warning: fighting.

"Kam, time to get up," Jay said, knocking as he walked by his daughter's bedroom.

"I'm up," The teenager mumbled, getting out of her warm bed and getting ready for the day.

She came downstairs and made a bowl of cereal, eating it before the bus beeped outside. Kamryn hugged her parents goodbye before walking out, being careful of her injured ankle.

When they arrived at school, she saw her teammate, Jayden, and another girl yelling at each other but thought nothing of it. She saw them fighting between classes and then in the cafeteria when no one was really in there, she saw the taller girl hit her. That's when she decided to intervene.

"Hey!" She yelled, aggressively pulling the girl by the name of Taylor away from her teammate.

"Get off me!" Taylor yelled, elbowing Kamryn in the jaw. It ultimately pissed Kamryn off more and without thinking, she tackled her. A fight broke out between the 2 girls while Jayden was trying to stop it. Soon enough, 2 teachers pulled them away from each other and escorted both to the principal's office where parents were called.


Hailey: Kamryn Grace Halstead. You can't be serious. Your school just called me. You got in a fight?!?! You better have a good explanation, regardless you're grounded.

"What's going on?" Jay asked, noticing Hailey furiously texting after she got off the phone. He didn't know the school had called or even who Hailey was texting, he could just tell she was mad.

"Kamryn got in a fight at school. They told me teachers had to pull her off the other girl. Now they need her picked up." Hailey told him, sending the text to their daughter who didn't even have her phone.

"I'll go grab her," Jay told his wife calmly, knowing Hailey was mad and Kamryn was probably pretty fired up herself. The 2 would have had a screaming match in a car together. He was always the calm force in the room when both Kamryn and Hailey were mad. He also knew this wasn't like Kamryn and there had to be some sort of explanation.


Kamryn sat outside the principal's office, waiting on one of her parents to pick her up. She'd cleaned herself up, and all that was left was the bruise forming on her jaw and the black eye. She kept her head down as she heard footsteps coming towards her, hoping they were her fathers and not mothers. They disappeared into the office for a few minutes before coming back and stopping in front of her.

"Moms gonna kill me," She mumbled, looking up at her dad from her spot in the chair.

"Let's go. We'll talk about this at the district with her." Jay told her, handing her bag over but keeping her phone.

"Dad, she's gonna be so mad," Kam sighed, getting up and taking her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Well Kamryn, I'm not too happy with you getting suspended either." Her father replied, getting in the truck with her.

"Well can I explain why I got in a fight? Am I allowed to defend my friend? Taylor hit her first. I just pulled her off and she elbowed me and then SHE started the fight. Not me." Kamryn tried explaining but got quiet after she finished her sentence.

"All I'm hearing is that a teacher had to pull you off of this Taylor girl. We will talk more at the district with your mom." Jay told her, making it known that the conversation was over.

Jay sat Kamryn in one of the offices downstairs, going up to talk to Hailey while Adam came down to talk to Platt but noticed her.

"Hey, kid. Heard you got yourself in a little mess at school." Adam knocked, slowly coming in.

"How furious is my mom?" She asked, keeping her head down slightly.

"I gotta be honest Kam, she's not happy," Adam told her, pulling a chair up and sitting in front of the teenager. "Let me see your face," He told her, getting Kam to look at her with her somewhat black eye and bruised-up jaw.

"I'm so stupid, why didn't I just leave it alone?" She sighed, tearing up at the thought of disappointing her parents.

"Hey. No. You're not stupid Kamryn." Adam told her, making her look at him again. "What really happened?"

"My friend Jayden was arguing with Taylor and she smacked her so I went and pulled her away. She elbowed me and we started fighting," Kamryn explained, waiting for her parents to come back down.

Adam headed back up and soon enough Hailey and Jay came down to talk to her. Hailey had calmed down after Jay and Adam had told her what Kam told them.

"Let me see Kam," She sighed, looking over her face before handing her an ice pack. "You telling the truth?"

"Why would I lie, mom? Both of my parents are detectives, I couldn't get away with it if I tried." Kamryn slightly scoffed as she held the ice pack to her aching jaw.

Hailey sighed and looked over at Jay, "Well. I can't be mad at you for standing up for someone,"

"But?" Kamryn asked, knowing it was coming.

"Kam you got suspended. You know I'm not happy about that. I know you were trying to stand up for Jayden but next time, get a teacher and keep yourself out of trouble. Deal?" Hailey asked, Kamryn nodded. The girl stood up, grabbed her bag off the floor, and started heading out the door, to get started on homework upstairs. "Kam,"

"Yeah?" She asked, turning around to face her mom.

"Don't forget how much we love you," Hailey smiled a little, matching Kamryn's once it crossed her face.

"Yeah. I love you too,"

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