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As soon as they heard the shot, all of intelligence pulled their guns while Booth ran out the back. He planned to take Jay and Kamryn down, which left Hailey all to him or Kelly as he knew her.

She was quiet until the house was cleared before she started yelling for Jay. It wasn't too long before she found him, with a bullet wound.

"HE'S DOWN HERE!" She yelled up to the team before rushing towards him. "No. No. No. No. No. Jay!" She mumbled before trying to talk to him. "Hey. Stay with me. Jay! Stay with me! You can't leave us. I need my husband and Kamryn needs her father, don't you dare try to leave!" She told him as paramedics took over and got him upstairs and to the ambulance. It was almost 3 and luckily Kamryn had volleyball practice daily until 6. "I'm going with him!"

Everyone met at the hospital, waiting on any news when 5:30 rolled around. Kam was gonna need to be picked up.

"Adam, will you go pick up Kam?" Hailey asked, not wanting to leave med in case news came out.

"Yeah of course. Bring her here?" He asked, Hailey, nodded.

"She's her daddy's favorite. He'll wanna see her when he wakes up." She smiled a little. Jay obviously loved his wife and daughter. They all knew that.

Adam nodded and took Kim with him as Hailey pulled out her phone to text Kamryn's coach.

Hailey: Hey Jamie, Just want to let you know that Adam Ruzek and Kim Burgess will be coming to get Kamryn from practice. They will come get her in the gym. Her dad was shot today, and I don't want to leave the hospital while he's still in surgery. I don't want Kam knowing either. I'll talk to her when she gets here. Thanks.

Coach Jamie: Oh my god. I'm so sorry Hailey. I'll keep an eye on her until they get here. Please let me know if your family needs anything.

Hailey: Thank you.

She set her phone down, trying to figure out how she was going to tell her daughter the events of the day. She almost wanted Adam and Kim to take her out to dinner or a movie but she was pretty smart. She'd figure it out, so she was going to have to tell her. Kevin stayed with Hailey, making sure she had someone to lean on for now.

Jamie didn't tell Kamryn anything, and her back was to the door when Adam and Kim came in. They were wrapping up and grabbing stuff when Kamryn looked at her phone. Nothing from Hailey or Jay.

"That's weird?" She accidentally said out loud.

"Whats up Kam?" One of her teammates asked.

"My mom or dad hasn't texted me. Usually, they text me that they're outside" She said, pulling her duffel bag over her shoulder. She turned around and started a text to her mom when she looked up and saw Adam and Kim. She looked at them and sighed, walking over. "Where's mom? Or dad?"

"Your mom asked me to come get you" Adam spoke up, taking the heavy duffel bag from the teen. "Dang kid, what do you have in here?"

"All my dark secrets" Kamryn chuckled.

Kim smiled a little in relief that Kamryn hadn't caught on to why they picked her up instead of Hailey or Jay.

Adam took her to the Jeep Wrangler and let her in before hitting a McDonald's drive-through. He got some burgers and fries for everyone and they headed to med. As soon as they pulled up to the hospital she knew. The tears immediately started and she hadn't even gotten confirmation yet.

"I know kiddo." Adam opened her door, getting a hug from the girl he considered to be a niece.
"Look at me." He said, pulling back from the hug as Kamryn did. "Let's go in, talk to your mom and we'll go from there"

The three of them walked in, Kamryn getting engulfed in a hug from Hailey.

"I know sweetie. I know you're scared" Hailey said softly, letting her child cry it out. It honestly was breaking everyone's heart.

It took a while for Kamryn to calm down and go for a little walk with Kevin to calm some anxiety before she sat back down. She didn't speak to anyone, just leaned against Hailey. A few tears escaped a few times, but she was trying not to break down. Hailey carefully got up, going to Adam and Kim while Kam sat in the seat.

"I have a volleyball in my trunk, can you guys take her out to the courtyard or something and just pass it with her? Might calm her down more." Hailey asked, all of them jumping up to do it. Hailey handed her keys off to Adam so they could get in the car before sending Kam with them. Kevin decided to stay with Hailey so she wasn't waiting alone.

Adam opened the trunk of the Jeep to see the volleyball that was usually left rolling around. He pulled it out and showed Kamryn, only getting a sniffle from her. The 3 of them found a space, starting to pass the ball around but Kam didn't get any hits at all. She just watched it blankly.

They all sat at a picnic table outside, giving her a second to realize the gravity of all this.

"Kam. It's okay to let it out. We know you're holding it in" Kim told her sitting on one side of her, Adam on the other side. It took one second before the teenager completely broke down again. Kim pulled her into a tight hug, Adam joining.

The waiting was the worst part. Kamryn was lucky to never have experienced this in her 16 years of life but it was happening now and she was lucky to have a family around her and her mom.

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