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To say Kamryn hated pep rallies was a complete understatement. She hated the yelling and her fellow students acting like complete idiots so she texted her mom to hopefully get picked up before it happened. She didn't know that Hailey was in the middle of interrogations, and she didn't know if Jay could drive just yet.

Kamryn: Mama. I really don't wanna go to this stupid pep rally. Can you pick me up early?

When she got no response, she went inside and sat with girls from her team, putting headphones in. She didn't participate in any of it as she listened to her music. She could still hear everything going on and got increasingly annoyed as it went on.

Mama💕🚔: Dad should be there soon, I'm still working honey. I'd come get you if I could.

Kamryn sighed and put her phone down again, watching everyone act like fools.

She left a few minutes before it ended, smiling when she saw the matte gray Ram waiting for her outside. She ran over, watching for cars as she crossed the street and got in the truck, throwing her bag in the bag.

"Hey kid," Jay smiled, greeting his daughter as she got in the tall truck.

"I hate pep rallies. Everyone acts like idiots" Kamryn grumbled, "Not to mention all my friends are going to homecoming with their boyfriends and I'm gonna be the awkward third wheel."

"You'll be fine kiddo," Her father told her, driving home carefully. She was kinda surprised he'd been cleared to drive.

Kamryn stayed silent the whole drive and ended up going outside, playing volleyball on their garage roof. Jay had texted Hailey that Kamryn was anything but excited to go to the dance so they got the unit together and made other plans.

Hailey got her daughter's hair all curled and helped her with a little makeup before the girl got changed and in her white Keds. She looked absolutely beautiful and ready to go except for the look in her eyes. She didn't want to go.

They got in the Jeep after finishing getting ready, and headed to a nice restaurant where the whole unit was waiting. Trudy and Mouch, Voight, Kevin and Adam, and Kim had even brought Makayla.

"What's going on?" Kamryn asked with a smile, sitting down in a chair by Hailey. They'd already gotten their drinks at the table and were pretty ready to order the food.

"We know you don't wanna go. So we tricked you" Hailey smiled, glad they pulled off the little plan they'd made earlier.

"Tricked me?" Kamryn asked, still confused.

"Hope you brought your competitiveness because I'm about to win," Adam chuckled, taking a swig of the drink he'd gotten.

"What are you talking about?" The teenager asked, now extremely confused and turning to her parents. "What's going on?"

"We know you don't want to go to the dance so, instead we're going bowling." Jay smiled, loving the shocked look that came across his daughter's face.

"Wait, really?"

"I knew when you texted me about the pep rally. I don't want to have to go if you won't have any fun so dad and I decided that we were gonna take you bowling instead." Hailey smiled, messing with a stray curl in Kamryn's hair.

"So I'll be bowling in my dress? and hair and makeup?" Kamryn chuckled, happy but kinda shocked they didn't let her wear normal clothes.

"Honey, we paid a lot of money for that dress. You're getting at least one night out of it. Homecoming or not," Hailey smiled, pulling her daughter close to her.

They got their dinner and ate before they headed for a bowling alley, which had glow bowling starting at 8. Kamryn was not great at bowling as volleyball was more her area. She laughed off all the gutter balls and genuinely had more fun there than she would've had at the homecoming dance.

Everyone was out until 11, having a good time until the bowling alley closed. When they got home, Kamryn went up to her room and was silent for a while before her parents noticed. They both figured she was talking to her friends or taking out her hair but she wasn't. When Jay went up to check on her, he chuckled when he saw Kamryn sound asleep in her dress and shoes, hair still done and makeup still on.

"She okay?" Hailey asked, coming up the steps to the hallway.

"She's out. Didn't even change. Still got her shoes on." Jay chuckled, "didn't even pull a blanket over herself,"

"She's something else,"

"That she is" the father chuckled, going in and gently pulling Kamryn's shoes off her feet before throwing her comforter over her. "Goodnight Kam. I love you" he smiled softly, kissing her head before heading to bed with Hailey.

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