Chapter Two

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After the incident at the diner Mia decided to close early. After their drive home she watched as her daughter walked into the kitchen almost numbly like she was just a shell and really a person. She watched as she made herself some calming tea. She was almost afraid to ask but she did anyways "Rena... Honey... are you okay?" Both Lena and Mia awaited her response but all she did was make her way to her room. "I don't know" she responded barely above a whisper as she closed her door behind her.

She didn't know what to make of it. Why did she hear it but not her sister? Why was she drawing people she didn't know? Why was this happening to her? Questions upon questions she asked herself but couldn't answer a single one. Maybe she's going crazy. Maybe it was all in her head. Maybe she's just imagining it since no one else heard it but her and what she failed to notice was the Black wolf she drew come to life as it stood at the tree line of her house, watching her, studying her, silently protecting her.

She sat on the edge of her bed feeling lost and confused, tired yet empty. She wanted to draw but was scared that she'd draw something she didn't mean or worse draw those hungry, cold, red eyes. She balled up her fist as she threw her now empty tea cup at the wall and screamed in frustration "DAMN IT!" She cried out as she bent down to pick up the shattered pieces off the floor "What the hell is wrong with me?" She cried to herself as she crawled into her bed leaving the shattered pieces on the floor.

The black wolf whined as he wanted nothing more than to comfort the crying banshee, as for Paul and Jared, all they heard were the cries of frustration but didn't know who or where it was coming from. They've never heard loud cries like this before, so piercing like if they were right next to them. They didn't know what to do besides howl as they tried to draw out the piercing cry.

She fell fast asleep once she heard the howls. Strange how one sound can easily put her at ease. How the sounds of howls made her feel safe and protected.

The next day for the first time in forever, she awoke feeling scared. She wanted her father. She wanted him to tell her everything she was feeling was going to be okay. She felt protected. As she got ready for school. She didn't realize how long she took until her mother called her to come downstairs before she was late.

"Come on Lena or we're going to be late." Serena said as she walked out of the door yelling to her mother that they would see her later and yelling back a "be safe you two" to both her daughters. "Yeah well whose fault is that?" Lena said rhetorically.

As they were driving, Lena noticing they were going in a different direction and spoke up "Hey Rena, um where are we going? Are we taking a different route?" She asked confused "No why?" Serena asked not understanding why she would ask "Because this isn't the way to school. You're driving us out of The reservation." She responded "And we're gonna be late." She ended. They were never late her sister didn't like being late so why was she driving them out. Serena looked at her sister then back to the road "Hey Lena, how about we skip today?" She asked "Okay but you are totally taking the blame when mom finds out." Her little sister stated "Deal" Serena agreed as they shook on it.

"Okay but seriously where are we going?" Lena asked but was ignored as her sister just kept driving. Serena didn't know what she was feeling, dread, numbness, emptiness...perhaps it was death. She didn't know where she was taking them, she was just following her feelings. And that led her to Forks high school. "So let me get this straight..." Lena started as Serena was parking the car "...We skipped school to join the pale faces? We skipped school to go to another school?" But was ignored as Serena unbuckled herself and grabbed her drawing book "Stay in the car" she said "WHAT! No way! Don't leave me in here!" Lena whisper yelled but had already closed the door.

Her feet were guiding her as she stopped and held her drawing notebook in front of her and looked at the people that she drew. Why did she feel death. Why did she want to scream.

The Cullens noticed a new car pull up, they noticed the new scent. What they didn't expect was for a tribe girl to come to their side of Forks and hold up a book of sorts in front of her as she stopped suddenly. Alice didn't see her coming, Edward couldn't read her mind but jasper felt what she was feeling. Death.

They watched as a little girl walked up to her "Seriously Rena, let's go. We shouldn't be here." She said as she grabbed ahold of her sisters long sleeve shirt. You could hear her voice tremble a bit, she was scared. "Rena I mean it come on." She said as she pulled a bit. That's when she noticed her older sister holding her drawing book and looking directly at the people she drew "Rena they're staring at us. We need to go." What knocked her out of her trance of staring was a howl from a wolf. Serena looked around shocked. Why did she feel death when she looked at them. "You're looking at it like you don't remember drawing it." Lena said in a matter of fact tone as they were walking away not knowing that their whole conversation was being heard. "That's because I don't." She said as they both got back into the car.

Why don't I remember drawing that? Why did I come here? Why is death all I feel? Where did that howl come from? Was I the only one that heard it? She thought as she drove her and her sister back to the reservation

"So how about we go to the beach?" Serena finally spoke from the awkward silence. "Sure, but if we get caught... you're totally on your own." Serena rolled her eyes and accepted her little sisters answer.

As they were playing running around in the sand a couple approached them asking "Hey, Shouldn't you two be in school?" Emily asked the siblings turned their head to the one that spoke "Sam and Emily" Serena started as Lena Said "Busted" Serena brought her hand to cover her sisters mouth before she could say anything and make it worse. "What uh... what brings you here?" Rena asked "You mean here at the beach?" Sam said with a raised eyebrow. She sighed as she let go of her sister and looked straight at Sam "Please don't tell my mom okay? I just couldn't go to school not after last night but I promise I'm going to go tomorrow." Serena said hopefully "Okay but if I find..." he started but was interrupted by her "You won't, I swear, you can even ask Jared himself. He won't lie, he's a terrible liar anyways." She said as Sam and Emily laughed.

Jared was the only one still going to school because he had control of his phasing unlike Paul. And with how smart Serena really is, she took some senior classes so they saw each other often. The only reason Sam knew she wasn't in class was because Jared told him. Sam told him to keep an eye on her without any specific reason to. Simply stating "she's a part of the tribe and we have a responsibility to take care of our own" saying it like she was a part of the pack.

When Jared told Sam she didn't show, he phased immediately and tracked her down, he was surprised to find her scent out of the reservation and near Forks High school so he howled for her, for her to come back but unbeknownst to him, it was his howl that broke her from her trance. It was his howl that she heard.

There mother was home when they got back from the beach. "How was school?" She asked without looking at them as she was preparing dinner. "It was fine" "It went great" were their responses. "Really?" She said raising an eyebrow "because the school called me and said you didn't show, that neither of you showed" she said sternly. Serena sighed as she looked at her younger sister and nodded her head for her to leave and she did. Lena did not want to get in the middle of this besides it wasn't even her fault to begin with so Serena can take the blame.

"Look, don't be upset with Lena okay. This, this was my fault. Okay so if you're going to be upset at someone be upset with me but after last night. I just wanted to feel normal." She said as tears started to well up in her eyes. "And yeah I know I should've dropped Lena off at school and I shouldn't have dragged her along with me but I didn't want to be alone and she was totally safe with me but with everything that's happening to me..." she started but the words got stuck in her throat as she looked down as if her shoes were the most interesting thing in the world. "I feel like I'm going crazy." She finished as she looked up to her mother with tears finally escaping her eyes. Her mother took pity on her, she thought she could wait a little longer until she had to tell her that she was a banshee, their big family secret. She didn't want this for her. But she didn't have time on her hands. She walked up to her daughter and hugged her tightly as if she was never going to hold her again. "You're not crazy Rena." Mia stated in a matter of fact tone "you're strong, just like your father" she finished as she cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears away. They both smiled at each other before they parted and got ready for dinner that night and then for bed. Only for her to live through her nightmares.

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