Chapter Forty One

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Lena watched the wolf run into the forest from her windowsill. She heard them arguing over what had happened at Billy's. If she was completely honest she wanted to be on Pauls side. He is a protector and that altercation wouldn't have hurt him at all but at the same time when you're in love with someone, wanting to protect them becomes a second nature to you.

She saw it all the time with them so she couldn't quite understand why he got angry until he mentioned Sam and Emily. He wasn't angry with her because she put herself in danger wanting to protect him but because being angry was second nature to him and seeing the one you love get hurt would make anyone angry. She sighed heavily as she knew her sister would be up for a while tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep so she stood in front of the easel before sighing again and picking up a pencil to begin to draw. She decided to do what her sister does best and just draw, letting the pencil guide her hand. Closing her eyes and letting the pencil run free on the paper.

While her sister Serena was still by the back door staring into the forest where her wolf ran off to. Serena wanted to crumple to the floor and just lay there until he came back but she knew that prove useless, there was no point. He was gone, he needed time to cool off, she knew that, which is why she chose to walk back inside and just wait. Serena walked to the couch and threw a blanket to cover herself as she waited but it wasn't long until she fell asleep. It didn't even take long for her to start to dream or at least that's what she thought but the banshee inside her had other ideas.

Serena found herself running through the forrest. She was running as fast as she could like she was being chased and maybe she was but she didn't dare look back. She heard the whooshing of trees as she was running, jumping over the fallen branches until she came to a stop.

She found herself standing in the middle of two powerful creatures, a cold one and a wolf. Staring down at each other seeing who is going to strike first. However she followed the voices that she heard and left the two behind as she continued to walk through the forrest until the voices stopped. Until they led her to where she needed to be.

Then the scenes changed as she found herself running again until she heard a females voice speak. "You wanted me to be human. Watch me." She heard a female voice say as the cliff came into view. "You won't stay with me any other way." She continued.

"Bella!" Serena yelled out to her as she continued to run up to her. "Don't" She continued as she watched Bella look down towards the sea before jumping in. "Damn it." She whispered out as she finally made it towards the edge.

She doesn't know what happened next. One minute she was standing on the edge of the cliff and the next thing she knew she was falling in, like an unknown force had pushed her against her own free will. She knew never to go near the raging sea when she was upset, she knew better but then why was she falling in? What pushed her?

She awoke screaming, so loud it trembled the whole house, Lena had to cover her ears from how loud her sister had screamed. As Lena looked out her window that's when she noticed the light peaking through. It was morning, she really drew all night till morning and didn't even realize it, just like her sister. That's when she noticed what she drew and because of that, she instantly tried calling Sam which was futile since they were already out trying to catch the red headed vampire. She ran down stairs as fast as she could but her sister was already gone.

Serena ran as fast as she could through the forrest leaving the house in what she slept in which was one of Paul's t-shirts and her shorts with no shoes on because she didn't have the time to put them on, no, she wasted no time in running out of the house. "Ancestors, hear my plea, help guide them to the one who needs the help the most." She prayed as she stopped running to catch her breath. She had one hand on her knee and her other hand on a tree to for help and by the grace of her ancestors they heard her plea and helped her. It was like the wind was guiding her to where she needed to be. If she was being honest with herself, she was already lost, she may have always slept walked through the forest but that didn't mean she remembered any of it and when she was out there it was mostly with Paul who knew the forest like the back of his hand. It was happening so fast, it was like she could see the pack was going after the red head but at the same time was seeing flashes of Harry dying while running in the opposite direction.

It wasn't until she stopped running and screamed her banshee scream alerting the wolves of a death. Harry, she knew he was gone, she felt it and as much as she wanted to stop to really focus on the death she just felt, she knew she couldn't, she had to keep going because of her dream, her vision was something more. It was trying to save Bella from doing something stupid again. Trying to stop her from creating a ripple effect of a disaster. Her vision was becoming more focused when she noticed some of the similarities in it. The trees were beginning to look the same, the fallen trees, even the air was the same. The sky was becoming more and more angry as she kept running, she knew what was coming.

"You won't stay with me any other way." She heard Bella's voice say but it was already too late. She didn't run fast enough, she wasn't a wolf nor a vampire and she just couldn't get to her in time as she saw her jump into the raging sea. Her fathers words rang through her mind as she watched the sea become angry, she knew not to jump in even though she wanted to try and save her, Serena knew it would be of no use and they would have to save her as well. Just as she was beginning to back away from the cliff she felt that exact same force she did in her vision and found herself falling into the sea, again.

Serena had no time to prepare despite knowing how this could have happened. She refused to believe that it could happen and maybe that was something she developed from her mother but in this very moment as she was falling, she screamed as loud as she could to alert the wolves of her danger and that gave her no time to gather as much air in her lungs as she could before plunging into the sea. Serena tried as best as she could to swim her way back to the top, to break the surface of the water to get some kind of air in her lungs but the riptide was too much for her and she kept getting swept under it but as she was getting swept under it she saw a glimpse of Bella and Bella saw her as well.

Despite not trusting her nor liking her for that matter, both girls reached for each other. They both needed to be safe however Victoria, the red headed cold one, had other plans, she wanted both of them dead, one because she has the potential to destroy her plans and the other is an for an eye. As they both grabbed a hold of each other, Serena noticed how Bella looked terrified rather than relieved even if only a short moment, she noticed how Bella was looking past her and that's when she followed her line of sight, that's when she saw the red headed vampire, Victoria, swimming towards them.

Bella panicked and tried to swim away and in doing so smashed her head against the rock. Serena was about to do the same but was running out of air in her lungs, she grabbed a hold of Bella's hand once more and tried to swim up to the surface however she was growing weaker and weaker by the second trying to hold her breath for as long as she could but it was already to late she was slipping into the darkness. Even though she was trying to fight the unconsciousness, she just couldn't hold on any longer.

As Serena slipped into the darkness she wasn't alone, she was met with the white wolf who came as a warning to protect the people she loved the most. It came to warn her of the dangers ahead and the paths she may face for the future. Serena didn't feel herself being pulled from the water, no, she felt was the others were feeling, what Paul was feeling, even in an unconscious state she could feel how worried he was for her, imprint or no imprint she always knew. And in that moment, as he pulled her from the water, he hoped with every fiber of his being that she would wake up because he knew the longer she was unconscious, the longer she would stay in her vision.

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