Chapter Thirty Six

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A/N: Hello my fellow readers!!! I just want to apologize for not being as active as I thought I would be since coming back but I've been cross training at my job and I've been coming home extra tired, more tired than usual. With that said, this week should be the end of my cross training and I should be back on a regular posting schedule but for now I'll be posting every other Sunday, until I can get back into my normal routine. Again I'm sorry but also thank you for continuing reading.

As soon as she told him that, her door opened from behind her revealing Paul who nodded in thanks to his friend for walking her home and making sure she wasn't alone. He had heard her tone in her voice about seeing Sam in the morning and he hated how it sounded so serous. He grabbed her hand and pulled her inside once they said their goodbyes to Jared.

"How is she?" Serena asked Paul as he began to take off her jacket for her.

"So we compromised." He told her with a shrug of her shoulder as he began to put her jacket away in the coat closet.

"You made a deal with her." She concluded with a smirk on her face as she began to walk up her stairs leading to her room.

"I made a deal with her." He confirmed with a heavy sigh leaving his lips. "She's a very hard negotiator." He told her as he leaned against her door frame not entering her room entirely not sure if she was okay with it considering every time he has been in there it was just to take her to bed.

"I have no idea where she got that from." She told him innocently as she started picking out clean clothes to wear after she took her shower.

"Gee I wonder." He responded with sarcasm in his voice.

"What was the deal." She asked as she leaned against the bathroom door frame watching him, analyzing him as he was doing the same to her.

"I'm here every night before she goes to bed or at least until she falls asleep." He answered her question with a shrug of his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal and to him it wasn't. Lena wasn't just his imprints baby sister, no, she was like his baby sister even if he didn't have any siblings of his own. Paul always took notice of how close Serena and Lena were, of how Serena protected Lena and how much Lena admired her older sister before they even got together and after they finally got together, it was all new for Paul, to be in such a family dynamic like theirs. He didn't just have Serena but he also had Lena and both girls had him wrapped around their finger. He would do anything for them so making that promise for her wasn't a big deal.

It was obvious by her little sister's request that she was still scared, something Paul and Serena would protect her from. Paul was about to turn around and leave to give her space to take her shower and once she noticed this she stopped him from leaving. "You can stay." She told him still leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"Are you sure?" Paul questioned. In all honesty he wanted to stay but didn't want to intrude.

"It's just a shower Paul." Serena answered him. "I'll be fast."

"Debatable," He muttered to himself as she walked away not expecting for her to hear him.

"I heard that." Serena yelled out from the bathroom that was slightly ajar after turning the shower on.

Paul was trying to control the urge to look as he heard her begin to undress but when it came to Serena, he never had great control of his urges. Always trying to hold her hand, rub her back, touch her shoulder, hold onto her pinky, maybe it was to comfort her or maybe that's what he's been telling himself, that the physical touch was for her when it was really just for him and the imprint mod just amplified those feelings, those urges. So he looked, he didn't fight it anymore, he couldn't and if he was being honest, he didn't want to but as he looked up he didn't expect to see her already staring at him. Paul stood from the bed and watched her, never breaking eye contact. Serena only discarded her pair of jeans she was wearing so she watched Paul stand as she began to remove her shirt also never breaking eye contact.

It was clear to the both of them that they both wanted each other still yet haven't actually been physical with one another since the date they had at the diner. She found him walking at an incredibly slow pace for her and he felt like the room was too far of walk for him once he began moving. As soon as Paul reached the door, he opened it not taking his eyes off of her, now standing face to face, her arms down to her side, Paul reached up and moved some of her hair out of her face and behind her ear. He looked down at her scar and once she noticed what he was staring at she began to back away from him, feeling insecure, but before she could get to far he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her flush to his skin and kissed her scars. Serena moved her head to the side to give him more access to her neck and even if she was feeling scared and vulnerable and insecure about her scars, the way he was kissing her, soft and tenderly like she would break like glass, made her forget why she was ever scared in the first place.

"Beautiful." He mumbled into her neck as he kissed her and bent down to grab her by the thighs to lift her up and as he did that she instantly wrapped her legs around him. He settled her down on the cold granite top counter as he began to trail kisses up from her neck to her lips. She kissed back just as feverishly as he did, they couldn't get enough of each other and the steam that was created by the heat of the water wasn't helping but became more fuel for their fire. He was quick to release her breasts from their cages as he threw the contraption to the side, latching onto one of her breast and playing with the other. Serena threw her head back in satisfaction as he began to suck on her.

"Paul." Serena whispered out his name as he stopped his attack on her breast and lifted her back up and brought them both into the shower. He let the water hit him first as he was the one with his back turned towards the water and facing her. Her hands trailed down from his shoulders to his chest, not breaking eye contact as she did so feeling the water run down from his shoulders to her arms. She moved her hands back up from his chest to his shoulders and into his hair pulling his head back so the water could coat every once of him. His hands stayed on her waist, firm yet gentle allowing her to do as she pleased to him. He then moved them so she was now under the water, doing the same to her as she did t him. Moving one hand that was holding her waist to her arm, trailing up to the base of her neck allowing her to roll her head back. Paul ran his hand through her hair letting the water coat every inch of her head as she put her own hands in his waist as she tilted her head back.

As much as she enjoyed this intimate moment with him, Serena wanted more, she needed more, no she craved more so as she brought her head back she brought her own hand to the back of his head and kissed him. The kiss was hard and wanting, his hands gripped her waist hard no doubt it would leave a bruise. While they were kissing he lifted her up and mumbled "so impatient" against her lips as he slid inside her. Gasping at the motion, he used that moment to slip his tongue into her mouth tired of fighting to see who would give in first. He moved them both out of the shower and into her room on her bed while still inside of her. "Is this what you wanted." He asked her barely above a whisper feeling his hot breath on her ear as he was pumping himself into her. "I want you." She whispered back to him feeling her breath on his neck as she turned them both over, her now on top of him, her hand on his chest bracing herself with the new feeling. "I want all of you." She told him as she began to pump herself onto him deeper and harder, throwing her head back in satisfaction as she felt him reach the deepest parts of her.

He grabbed one breast and sucked onto the other as she kept going. He loved seeing her come undone because of him, taking charge and making herself feel good on top of him, he relished in it. With her fast and erratic pace, he knew she was close to her peak so he switched their positions, she giggled into his kiss as he flipped them. Paul brought her leg up to his shoulder and kissed her ankle as he began to match her fast and erratic pace as before pushing himself further into her finding his own release. "Together" he told her as she nodded "together." She agreed, digging her nails into his skin cumming with him.

After chasing their own release, their breathing slowed down, she was lying on his bare chest drawing mindlessly on him as he was stroking her bare back doing the same, both cuddling under the sheets. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep on him.

"Why do you need to see Sam?" He questioned her, wanting to know why she sounded so urgent about it, why she needed to see his alpha and maybe that's why he felt the need to ask because the wolf inside him is protecting his alpha.

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