Chapted Thirty Nine

448 17 3




Your Tribe

Your Tribe

Your Tribe

Those were the words that were playing on repeat in her head like a broken record. As soon as they were spoken to her she couldn't stop the endless tidal wave of emotions that were beginning to flood her brain.






It was like all her emotions were hitting her all at once not giving her a chance to feel even one at a time. She now had even more questions that would go unanswered. Why would her mother keep her own tribe from her? Why would she never talk about it? Were the elders still thinking about sending them back to their tribe? What was their tribe like? What would happen between her and her imprint if they sent them back? There were just so many questions she wouldn't know who to ask, the elders definitely wouldn't tell her anything and she wasn't sure how much Billy would tell her and she didn't know how much Sam actually knew.

"Bella?" Billy greeted once he opened the door revealing Bella but hearing Billy's voice is exactly what broke her out of her endless thoughts that became a hurricane in her brain.

"I need to see him." She asked referring to Jacob. Since transforming into his wolf he's  been avoiding Bella per the alphas request.

"He's not in." He told her.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I really need to see him." Bella told billy as she moved around him entering his house uninvited but right before she could enter Jacob's room Serena stood in her way.

"You heard him." Serena started as she motioned to Billy. "He's not in."

"I don't believe you." Bella told her as she watched Serena shrug her shoulders at her. "I'm sorry." She told Serena as she grabbed her by the arms to shove her out of the way to open the door which resulted in Serena falling to the ground.

"Sorry." Serena mumbled as Billy tried as best he could to help her off the floor. He couldn't believe the way Bella was acting just to see him. She couldn't accept the fact that Jacob didn't want to see her anymore and maybe he didn't but he also knew that he didn't imprint on her either and he couldn't handle that kind of rejection either.

"Couldn't be helped." He replied back to her as she was finally off the ground, both of them looking at Bella as she opened the door to Jacob's room finding him sleeping peacefully in his bed but then she heard Sam and the boys playfully wolf call for him as she looked out the window watching as they waited for him. She then headed outside ignoring Serena's pleas to wait.

"Bella don't" Serena told her as she was rushing outside after her leaving Billy inside the house knowing their conversation would have to wait.

"What did you do?" Bella questioned Sam walking up to him as she was ignoring Serena who was right on her heels. "Okay! What did you do?" she continued to ask as she went up to him and hit his chest and shoving him as she continued. "What did you do to him?"

"Hey" Jared yelled out instantly coming to the defense of his alpha.

"Easy" Sam pointed to Jared trying to be as calm as possible.

"He didn't want this." Shaking her head at him as she continued.

"Bella stop it." Serena butted in only to be ignored.

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