Chapter Twelve

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After a week of finalizing the necessary paperwork and staying with Sam and Emily, both Lena and Serena were ready to move into their new house that was surprisingly close to where Emily lives. It was a thirty minute walk from each other.

Paul and the other wolves helped her move into the new place. It was exactly the same way her dad left it the last time they were there. The only thing they really needed were their clothes. The house was pretty much furnished so they didn't need much.

Lena and Serena were excused from school for a week since they had no family left. But soon they would have to get back into a routine, go back to school, reopen the diner. A lot needed to be done. And again Paul never left her side and she stopped pushing him away.

Lena would still have nightmares of that night, she still didn't want to be away from her sister for to long. She didn't know what would happen when she needed to go back to school.

"Lena, breakfast come on!" Her older sister yelled from the kitchen. "I'm not going" she heard yelled back at her. So Serena made her way towards Lena's room. Once she opened the door she immediately spotted her sister under the covers, not ready for school.

"Lena come on!" She said as she yanked off the covers. "No!" Lena yelled back and recovered herself.

"What do you mean no! Yes! Come on!" She yelled back ash she pulled on the blankets again, only for Lena to have a good hold on them and tug back. "No! I don't want to go!" She yelled again. Serena let go of the hold she had on the blankets and yelled back "Fine" And slammed the door closed.

"She still not ready?" She heard a voice come from the back door. She didn't even have to turn around to know who that belonged to.

"Yes. Please do come in." She said back.

"She just needs more time. Leave her here, go to school. I'll take care of her." The voice said as it got closer to her.

She heavily sighed "Paul. No. She's going to school. I'm going to school. We are both going to school." She finished as she grabbed her stuff and walked back to Lena's room and opened the door. "If you aren't ready by the time I make it to the front door, I'm leaving you and you can stay here by yourself." She finished as she closed her door.

"Don't give me that look. You know I won't actually leave her." She told Paul as he gave her a look. When she got to the front door, she opened it and as she stepped out, Lena ran right passed her, she didn't want to get left behind. "See you later Paul. Okay" she told him as she headed to the car.

"Yeah see later" he whispered back.

As she drove lena to school, she couldn't help but wonder if she was making the right choice herself. Maybe she shouldn't have pushed, Maybe they weren't ready. Neither one of them said anything as they sat in the car in completely silence in front of Lena's school.

"If you need anything... You call. Okay" Serena said as she decided to finally break the silence.

She watched as Lena opened the door and got out. Serena was waiting for her to respond and I guess she did as she Lena slammed the door as her answer. It reminded Serena of the first day she dropped her off. A heavy sigh escaped her lips. "We should've stayed at home" she whispered to herself.

When she got to school herself, everyone just started at her. Not just because her mother died and the whole tribe knew but because she missed school for a week, which she never did, the diner was closed and she didn't know if she wanted to reopen it. She was still the talk of the town as she kept her head down to get to her locker.

"Hey" she heard a voice come up behind her which caused her to jump.

"Jesus, Quil. You scared the crap out of me." She told him as she turned around holding her heart as if it could jump out of her chest.

He chuckled sadly "Sorry. I..." he started to say but was cut off by her.

"I'm fine." She said almost rehearsed.

"Well, when you believe it, I'll believe it. Until then can we talk about me now." He said as they walked to class. And she was glad that he didn't treat her any different. He distracted her for the day, whether that was his goal or not but she was glad she didn't have to listen to any of the whispering from the school.

She found herself back at her locker getting ready for her math class she shared with Jared. She made it through most of the day with the help of Quil but now she was panicking not knowing how the rest of the day was going to go. She just had a bad feeling.

"You should've stayed at home" she heard an annoying voice say right next to her.

"Yeah I got that much." She said back. "Did Paul tell you to watch over me?" She asked

"More or less. He's just worried." Jared told her.

"Yeah I know." Serena said as she looked away from him.

"Look" Jared said as  he stopped her her from walking before he continued. "I know it's not my place but you should talk to him, you aren't alone."

She just stared at him. Thinking. Analyzing the situation as if it was one but the only thing that came to mind is one thing.

I should have stayed home... She thought as she turned away from him and began walking. He wasn't sure if he should have followed her but he did anyways.

"I know he is." She told him as she made it to her math class with him right behind her.

And that was true. He hasn't left her side since the attack. He's given her the space she needed even though she's pushed him away, he never budged. He continued to show up the next day even if she said no. He was there not only for her but for her sister. It was like this before when they were together, before they broke up. Before the heartache. She just didn't know how long this feeling would last. How long he would stay this time until he left again.

All of these thoughts were swarming her head as she sat in her math class. She was withdrawn again as the teacher was talking and instructing the class about the lesson for the day. Per Paul's request of keeping an eye on her, Jared was watching her as she drew. Like always her hand moved on it's own, drawing wolves and red eyes.

Red eyes. Red eyes, Red eyes, Red eyes.

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