Chapter Thirteen

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Her breathing was ragged as she stared at her drawing.

Why?...Why would I draw this again? What does it mean? Why? Why? Why? She thought to herself as she was brought back to the night her mother died. Her heart rate increased and Jared grew worried for her. He was pretty sure Paul could feel how scared she was through their bond he has yet to tell her about. Just as he was going to get her attention, her phone rand during class which made her jump from her seat as she was not expecting it. The teacher stared at her as she observed her surroundings before she apologized and answered it.

She knew it would be her sister since all her friends were at school and Paul being a wolf and could handle things on his own didn't need to call her. And Jared being a wolf himself would know what was going on if Paul needed her. So she answered it.

"Hello" she whispered hoping not to get into to much trouble but that seemed inevitable.

"Rena" she heard her sister whisper back with a slight sniffle and tremble in her voice as she continued "I'm scared"

And that's all it took for Serena to run out of the classroom and straight to her car. Jared, of course heard the conversation and wondered what was happening himself. All he knew was that she was scared and with the way Serena ran out of class like life depended on it, he didn't know what to think so he sent a quick text to Paul about it to make sure that she and her sister were safe.

As soon as she made it to her car, Serena was zooming out of the school parking lot and heading straight to Lena. She knew she shouldn't have pushed her to go back to school but she couldn't help it. Serena wanted to go back to normal as possible but she's starting to realize that she herself isn't normal. What is normal suppose to look like anyways.

As she made it to her sister's school, she quickly parked the car and ran inside where her sister was waiting for her. Lena looked up from where she was sitting as soon as she heard the sound of a person running. She was glad that it was her sister and she kept her promise that if she called she would come but she was still upset that her sister made her go at all since she wasn't ready. Serena made it to her sister and hugged her tightly. They both embraced each other.

"I have to sign you out." She told her sister as she instructed her to stay outside of the office as she stepped inside to sign her out. "I'm here for Lena Longspear." She told the office lady. "Oh Serena, Lovely to see you. I hope you're doing okay. We're very sorry for your loss." Before she could continue anymore Serena interrupted her. She didn't need t hear how sorry everyone else was, she didn't need to see the sympathy looks that everyone gave her and she was pretty sure Lena was the same way. "Can you just tell me what I need to sign so I can get my sister home." She told her with no emotion in her voice. "Of course" was her reply.

As soon as she stepped out of the office she grabbed her sisters hand and they made their way to the car. They both got inside and buckled their seatbelt and as soon as Serena pulled out of the driveway Lena decided to ask a question.

"Can we go to La Push?" Lena asked barely above a whisper as she stared at her fingers like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Yeah, sure we can." Serena replied as she took a glance at Lena and for that split second she realized they should have stayed home. Lena had this far away look in her eyes, a look Serena hasn't seen before. She knew that wasn't good. Her mother had the same look when their father didn't make it but she did. She had the same look in her eyes. Those cold, sad eyes.

Once they made it to the beach Lena got out even before Serena turned off the car. Serena knew she needed to vent and blow off steam, to let everything she has been holding back out. She watched as Lena made it to the edge of the water line. Just watching the water recede, it reminded her of the time she came here doing exactly the same thing when she didn't know what to do and felt overwhelmed.

Lena heard her older sister walk up from behind her but before Serena could make it to stand next to her, Lena let everything she has been holding back and felt out.

"This is all your fault" Lena said lowly with her head down and fist clenched.

"What?" Serena asked shocked as she watched her younger sister turn out to face her. That's when she noticed Lena had tears running down her face and she knew she was going to take whatever she had to say and dish out no matter how hurtful it was going to be because no one was blaming Serena more than herself.

"I WANT MOM! I DON'T WANT YOU!" She yelled as she walked up to her sister to stand directly in front of her as she continued "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She yelled as she began to hit her sister in frustration and Serena stood there and just took it as she herself was just listening to her. "WHY COULDN'T YOU PREVENT IT! WHY COULDN'T YOU STOP IT! WHY COULDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING?!" Lena was so frustrated she didn't care what she said it was all out of anger of course but at this very moment she didn't care. Lena didn't want to hurt anymore so she took it out on the closest thing to her and that so happened to be her sister.


As Serena stood there and took her verbal beating, she couldn't help the tears that were threatening to fall. At this point she wasn't sure f Lena meant it or not, if that's how she truly felt or not.

"Paul's not dead." Serena whispered back afraid to say anything. And to be honest she knew should have kept silent and just let her sister vent.

"HE MIGHT AS WELL BE IF HE KEEPS HANGING AROUND YOU! YOU'RE AN OMEN OF DEATH YOU KNOW THAT! A CURSE! DEATH FOLLOWS YOU WHERE EVER YOU GO!" As soon as those words came out of her mouth, she immediately covered her mouth and stopped hitting her as she watched Serena who looked away from her.

Those words hurt Serena to the core. She could handle the words from some else but not from her sister. Her words broke something inside her that kept everything together.

Lena began to stutter out an apology but Serena turned around, her back faced her sister. She looked over her shoulder. "Come on, its late, lets go." She said with no emotion in her voice. She didn't even wait for her sister to catch up to her as she began to walk away. Lena was quick to follow not saying a word. Lena kept her eyes on her sister as they drove. Serena never once glanced at Lena, in fact she had only one thing in her mind the minute the words left Lena's mouth.

She needed to keep her safe. As her older sister and her only family member left, nothing else mattered to her. Maybe Lena was right. Death followed her where ever she went, whether she predicted it or not. First her father, then her mother. Who was next. She couldn't take that chance, not with Lena.

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