Chapter Twenty Six

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Jared had been keeping an eye on Serena all day as he was instructed to do so by the alpha, by Sam. As soon as he walked into his first class with Serena he noticed how she stopped drawing. After relaying his message from Paul, he couldn't help but feel accomplished. He wanted to help his friend with the girl he's in love with, the girl that has his whole heart. He just couldn't help but notice the stare in her eyes, it was unusual.

He watched as she made it to her next class but he noticed how she kept looking over her shoulder like she was being watched. Granted he was the one that was doing it but he felt like there was something more to it. He was watching her intently that he didn't notice his imprint walk up next to him and watched what he was staring at.

"Stare any longer and I might get jealous." He heard a voice say next to him.

Jared jumped as he grabbed his heart in shock as he looked over in the direction of the voice. "Damn it, Kim." He said as he breathed out. "Don't sneak up on me like that." He told her as he looked back at Serena who was now in her next class.

"Is something wrong?" Kim asked him. "With her?" She asked more seriously.

"Something like that." He told her. "You know I can't tell you much but I also know you have a class or two with her. Right?" He asked her.

She nodded as she replied "Yeah, English and Chemistry, the next two classes."

"I need you to watch her." He told Kim in a serious tone. "I can't tell you anything but she's—" And before he could finish his sentence, Kim interrupted him.

"She's an imprint right?" She whispered to him. "She's Pauls imprint which means she's protected, she's a part of us." She finished with a smile on her face.

Jared stared at her in shock even after she kissed his cheek to say goodbye.

"I love you, you know that!" He yelled at her with a wide smile on his face. After that, they went there separate ways to class. As Kim kept her silent promise to watch Serena in the classes they had together before lunch.

When lunch came they got together by a near by table and watched her together as Kim was telling him how she acted. It was the same way he saw her in his first class. Paranoid, constantly looking over her shoulder, looking out of the window like she could see something there that no else could see but her. And during lunch they watched as she drew, the lunch table was scattered with her drawings. They both watched as she was in a trance again, in her own little world, her lunch was even untouched. It wasn't until the bell rang that she snapped out of it, they watched as she jump, startled by the bell, quickly gathering her drawings as she shoved food in her mouth and raced off to her next class but in the midst of the other students they lost sight of her.

"I'll find her, just go to your next class and don't be late." He tole Kim as he kissed her cheek and raced off. She blushed and did as she was told. There wasn't anything she could do now, they had different classes after lunch.

He was in the hallway bumping into people left and right as he tried to get to the other side to find her. It wasn't until he felt something, no someone take a hold of his wrist. Jared was shocked to see that it was Serena who took a hold of his wrist, he would have walked right by her if it wasn't for her grabbing his wrist. He looked at her and was surprised by her facial expression, it was one he hasn't seen on the girl since he met her. She was scared, no, she was terrified. Jared looked at her hand that was attached to his wrist and saw her trembling. She looked like she was in a trance again, staring out of the hallway window.

"Hey." He said to get her attention but she wasn't listening. "Hey what's wrong?" He questioned her but she was just staring outside so he stood in front of her to block her view from the window and it was then that she looked at him as the unshod tears finally rolled down her cheeks. "Hey, hey ,hey, you're okay." He told her as she shook her head as if saying no.

"I feel—" she started but she was too scared to speak.

"Feel what?" Jared questioned her. He then grabbed her face with both his hands to get her to focus. "Feel what Serena?"

"I feel like I'm being watched." She whispered to him as if whatever was watching her could hear her.

He was quick to look around the now empty hallway but it was just them. Jared would have sensed if it was a cold one but knowing that the school was on the Rez, the other wolves would have taken care of it and there was no different scent near them or anything. He watched as she began to walk towards the hallway window and because she was still holding onto his wrist, he was walking with her. Jared watched as she brought her trembling hand to the window. And as soon as her hand touched the window, it was like it turned into an actual window to somewhere else. And because Serena still had a hold on Jared, he could see what she saw.

"What the hell is this?" He said a loud and freaked out.

He never got a response as he watched her line of sight. It was Lena, in school, drawing. She looked sad and lonely but she too was looking over her shoulder like she was being watched.

"It's her." Serena said aloud.

"What?" Jared questioned her.

"It's her feeling not mine." She told him as she looked at him. Then it was like a light bulb went off in her head. Someone was watching her. Serena was quick to remove her hand from the window and released the grip she had on Jared. Everything turned back to normal as soon as she released her hand from the window and began to turn around in the opposite direction but was stopped by Jared.

"She'll be okay." He told her as she looked at him with an unreadable expression on her face.

"I can't lose her." She responded as she had tears welling up in her eyes.

"And you won't" He assured her. "Sam, Embry and Paul patrol that area while she's in school. She's safe, no one is getting in there without them knowing about it. Okay." Jared tried his best to reassure her that nothing was going to happen but she was still scared of what she was feeling and he could see that in her eyes.

Serena nodded her head at him when the final bell rang signaling that classes were over and it was the end of school. She gasped and apologized when she realized that they both had skipped their last few classes. Even though it only seemed like minutes to them it actually happened within hours and he only skipped because she was holding onto his wrist.

"It's fine we're protectors after all." He told her with a smile on his face indicating that it was okay. "But I will be taking those keys of yours now." Jared told her as he held out his hand for her to put her keys in and she did. She took her keys from her bag and put them in his hands. "Now that the day's over I'll look after her, so don't worry okay. We won't let anything happen to her."

Jareds words of reassurance may have been what she needed because after those words left his mouth, she felt better. She felt a bit safer, maybe not at ease but she did feel safe, even as he let her go, the feeling of being safe lingered. She walked out of the hallway to head outside where she saw Paul leaning on his truck waiting for Serena while glaring at anyone who even looked his way. He hated the attention now.

"I didn't think you'd agree to this." He said once Serena was in ear shot of him.

"Yeah, well, Jared said "please" so." She shrugged once she got closer to him.

"Why did you agree?" Paul questioned her as he guided her to the passenger side of his truck.

"Because I want to hear your reason for blowing me off this morning." She told him as she got in his truck.

"Fair enough" he said back at her as he closed the door.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Serena asked with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah sure?" Paul answered back as he looked at her.

"When you patrol, do you patrol around Lena's school?" She questioned as she looked out of the window.

"Yeah, we all do." Paul responded.

"Have you noticed anything weird as of late?" She asked again.

"No, why? Is there something wrong?" He asked.

"No. Nothing?" She said avoiding eye contact.

Paul looked at her, knowing she was holding something back from him. He wanted her tell him when she was ready but then again he didn't want her to get hurt.

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