Chapter Thirty Eight

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Arriving at Billy's, she put her truck in park and began to get out but as she got out, she had this unnerving feeling she couldn't explain. She looked up at the grey sky and sighed heavily.

"Serena." Billy greeted her as soon as she knocked on the door. He saw her sanding there beginning to fiddle with her hands, a nervous habit of hers. "What a surprise."

"Sorry Billy." She began to apologize. "I wouldn't have come unannounced if it wasn't important." She finished as she looked at him.

He wheeled back to allow her entry. "Come in" he told her and she did. "Jacobs asleep." He continued as he looked in the direction of his son's room.

"I didn't come for Jacob." She told him letting him know that his assumption was wrong. "I came to see you." She continued as she stood there awkwardly.

He wheeled near the couch to prompt her to sit. Billy could tell she was nervous, maybe even scared and maybe she was. His hand came out to gesture her to sit and she did. She still played with her hands as she sat there in silence which made him feel uncomfortable as well. She's never been this quiet before, ever so why now.

"Talk to me, there isn't a need to be so afraid." Billy told Serena as he reached out to hold her hand in comfort.

"It's not a secret that my mother kept secrets from us." She started out in a whisper as if she wasn't allowed to ask or speak about it. "But I need to know what you know about us because whatever is happening to me is starting to happen to Lena." She finished as she finally looked up to him.

"It's starting to happen to her?" He asked almost baffled that her banshee side was starting to develop.

"It's not written in any of the journals I've read. The only thing I could find was written by mom saying that she was loosing her banshee abilities the more I grew up, said that her mom went through the same thing but that was all I could find. So I was hoping that you could tell me if there was anything else that wasn't written in the book."

She watched as he sighed heavily. Serena was prepared for him to tell her to talk to the elders or not to tell her anything at all but she was surprised when he actually spoke to her.

"Yes, it's true." He started. "The more you grew the more she lost her abilities same as her mother, your grandmother." He repeated what she already knew from the journals. "She wanted to deny it, what she was, who she really was." He continued as he looked at her noting her intense stare on him. She wanted to soak up all the information she could and not just for her but for Lena too.

"Why?" She questioned him.

"She never thought having her ability was such a good thing, she hated what she was." He told her honestly. "She grew up without her mother and she was scared you would have to grow up without her too." He stopped when she was nodding her head at his words about her mother but said nothing so he continued. "The story your mom told you about the wolf who fell in love with the wailing woman. You know it well."

"Word for word." She replied. "But there was always one part of the story I always had questions about."

"What?" He asked her with a smirk knowing she was already on the right track she just needed help finishing the story.

"She's written the story in a journal like a story being told in her point of view." She started with furrowed brows as she was trying to make sense of it. "So there's this gap in it from when she was sent away to when she finally met my dad. It wasn't until she met him and they moved here to live on the reservation where she started writing again. So where was she sent." Serena questioned him.

"Where she was sent will tell you who she is, who you are." He started with a smirk on his face. "It took a while for your grandmother and Ephram Black to find this place, it was well hidden, away from people to protect themselves from outsiders. It even took persuading from them to take in your mother."

"I don't get it." She interrupted. "Where did she go?"

"They didn't like outsiders coming in even if they were born into it, they didn't even trust your mom and she was just a child who didn't know any better." Billy continued ignoring her question. "It wasn't that they didn't like outsiders it was that they didn't trust them because the people they had let in killed them."

"How did my mother leave then?" She interrupted him again.

"Your mother wondered off too far from where she was kept hidden and fell in love with the wolf. Where she was knew they couldn't keep imprints apart so they had to let her go but not with a warming." He continued.

"What was the warning?" She asked.

"They gave her an option. To stay there with her wolf and have a life or leave with no protection and never to return. She would have chosen to stay to make a life there but even she knew she was sheltered and she didn't want that for you so she took her chances and moved here with your father to build a new life for you and your sister. She didn't want you to grow up following rules she didn't believe in anymore even though she ended up following them to protect you." He told her.

"Protect me from who?" She questioned again as she was rubbing her head.

"From our elders." He answered her. "She believed our elders didn't trust her and maybe she was right to some extent." He tried to continued but was interrupted by her again.

"She was, she wrote about it in one of her journals. They were wary of her the moment our father brought her here. They didn't trust her judgement in anything, they still thought of her as an omen of death." She told him bitterly. "It's what they think of me as well since I started to predict death. She wrote about a fight she had with my father about how they wanted to send us back but I never understood what she meant." She finished as she was getting frustrated. "Where is the place they want to send us back to?" She asked him.

"It's true, they still believe the ability of a banshee is an omen of death, they didn't trust your mother and they don't trust you and they certainly wont trust your sister." He continued. "They believe that if we send you back, you wont bring death to our door all the time but Harry and I believed in your mother and her gifts just like we believe in you and your sister." Billy told her, which was true out of all of the tribe members Billy and Harry believed in the small banshee family regardless of what the tribe told them or discussed about them.

Just as he was about to continue they both heard a knock at the door but Serena was starting to get irritated about him getting around to telling her what she wanted to know. Serena stood up at the knock on the door and continued. "Where do they want to send us Billy?" She questioned louder but only for him to hear.

"I'm sorry." He replied as he moved closer to the door almost ignoring her.

"Where?" He asked louder as she noticed him ignoring her. "BILLY!" She yelled braking a drinking glass.

He looked at her and that's when she saw the look in his face as he spoke.

"Your tribe." He finally answered her as he opened the door leaving her standing there going over the words that he just spoke to her in her head over and over again.

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