Chapter Thirty Seven

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A/N: Hello My Fellow Readers!!! First and foremost, I just want to say Happy New Years and I apologize yet again for not keeping up with my writing like I had promised however coming into the new year, one of my many New Year's resolution is to be more on top of my posting schedule which is still be on Sundays however I will be posting every other Sunday so with that said here is my next chapter.

She stilled in his hold, not expecting him to ask such a question but at the same time she should have expected him to ask her. Paul was always in tune with her just as much as Lena was with her. Serena moved her head so she was looking at Paul, her chin resting on her hand on his chest as he stilled his own movement on her back awaiting her response.

"Promise me something." Serena began not taking her eyes off him.

"Anything." He responded to her in an instant.

"Come back to me." She asked him.

"Always." He promised her but even he knew that it was a hard promise for him to keep to her and even if she knew it herself she still wanted him to come back to her. Maybe that's why neither of them made the ultimate promise and used their pinkies like they always did.

It didn't take long for him to notice when her breathing became even and for him to hear his phone go off, of course it was Sam letting him know that he needed to patrol soon and that they needed to talk. Paul sighed heavily never getting an answer to his initial question but as he was needed elsewhere he went to move her ever so gently in efforts not to wake up Serena who laid peacefully on his chest. He thought he was safe when he successfully got out from her hold but he was wrong when she mumbled "Leaving already?"

"Im patrolling soon with Jared and then we're getting Jacob in the morning." Paul answered her cursing himself for not being more quiet and waking her up.

"Be safe love you." She responded back as she buried herself deeper into her blankets in effort to keep her warm since she lost her personal heater.

He stared at her for a while before he left her room, he still couldn't believe that they were together again, maybe not like before but they were getting there again and he was happy. As he left he went to check on Lena who was sleeping peacefully but he didn't want her to be alone so he picked her up and brought her to Serena who happily snuggled into her. The sister's found comfort in each other and he was happy about that.

Once morning came they continued to cuddle into each other not just to keep warm but because they didn't want to do anything, they wanted to have a lazy day but Serena wanted to asked Billy a few things only he or the elders would know since they knew about her linage and she also needed to talk to Sam still but to manage all that, they needed to leave the bed first.

"We should start getting ready for the day." Serena told her sister who was keeping her closed as she felt her sister move some of her hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"I don't want to." Lena mumbled back in response.

"I don't either but we need to start our day." Serena told her as she sighed heavily starting to get out of bed. "Come on, I'll make some breakfast."

"Okay." Lena mumbled as she rolled over to the other side of the bed not making an attempt to leave it as Serena made her way out of the room to actually get started on making the two of them breakfast.

Normally if Paul was sleeping over she would have included in making him a plate and make extra food for him but not this morning since she knew he was going to be with Sam today so it was food for two this morning and after the two sisters finished their breakfast, they got ready for the day.

"I'm gonna drop you off at Emily's." Serena told her younger sister as she was helping her braid her hair.

"Why?" Lena asked as she tilted her head to the side only for Serena to shove her head back in place.

"Because I need to talk to Billy about mom, see if he knows anything." She responded as she finished her sister's braid before continuing. "And before you ask, no, you can't come."

"Oh come on? Why not?" Lena complained.

"Because I need you to go over the dessert menu with Emily before we open the diner again. The name's officially changed now, which we still have to go see later today." Serena told her older sister as she finished her hair.

"Tell Billy I say hi at least." Lena told Serena as they made their way towards the front door to leave.

The drive to Emily's seemed shorter as they made small talk about the diner however as soon as the sisters made it to driveway Lena was already out of the truck, she couldn't get out of there fast enough while Serena was still turning off the truck. Lena was just so excited about finalizing the details on the menu because if she was being truly honest she wanted to see the diner and as well as the new name change because the sisters didn't just change the name, no they changed the interior as well.

"You know, you don't always have to knock. My door is always open for you." Emily told Serena as soon as she saw her at the door raising her hand to knock.

"Habit sorry." Serena mumbled sheepishly as she entered the home. "Last thing we need are last minute dessert menu approvals." She continues she waved the stack of papers in her hands before setting them on the table for Emily and Lena to go over.

"Are you sure about this?" Emily asked still unsure about the whole thing. She didn't want to over step which in reality she wasn't but she couldn't help but feel that way since this was a family business.

"I'm sure." She told her to reassure her. This is what she wanted to do, in fact this is what the sisters agreed on. "Also I want to if it's not too much trouble "A dessert of the day". I mean if it's not too much trouble, I just know that you make really good muffins." Serena started as she then pointed to Lena and herself before adding. "We both love your muffins.

"It's not a problem. I just want to thank the both of you for the opportunity." Emily stated emotionally with a bright smile on her face. Both sisters looked at each other having a silent conversation just with their eyes and without hesitation both sisters tackled Emily into a hug which she gladly accepted.

After being released from the hug Serena was the first to speak. "Okay I need to head out, I'm gonna see Billy for a bit then head back here with the hopes that the two of you can finish the dessert menu." She finished as she walked over to her baby sister, leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Love you."

"Love you" Lena mumbled back as she watched her sister leave. If she was being honest with herself she was still scared of her sister leaving and never coming back, that will always be fear of hers now but she's hoping that in time that will get better.

Leaving Emily's, Serena had a few things on her mind, her sister becoming a banshee so early, her mom and the secrets she kept from them, and her lineage of banshees in her family. She needed to talk to Billy because she knew that he would have some sort of insight on the matter. Maybe he knew the secrets their mother had kept from them, maybe he would point her in the right direction or maybe he would lead her in the direction of the elders who were still skeptical and weary of her. There were just too many questions with not enough answers and she didn't like that, no, she didn't like that at all.

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