Chapter Thirty Three

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Serena had only one thing on her mind, her sister but the whispering was becoming louder. She knew what this meant, someone was going to die. Serena ran as fast as she could to the place that she's been drawing, the place that held most of her haunted memories, the clearing.

Lena didn't know what came over her, one minute she was drawing in her room and the next she found herself walking through the woods. So she let whatever it was continue to guide her until she was standing on the edge of the clearing. She looked around, finding nothing familiar to her. She's never physically been here before but she has seen it, in a dream maybe. Not technically because she doesn't remember but she has drawn it. It wasn't until she heard her older sister calling to her that she looked away from clearing.

"Lena!" Serena yelled out to her younger sister as she was running towards her.

"I don't know how I got here." Lena told her as soon as she bent down and grabbed ahold of her face to make sure she was okay.

"I know okay." Serena told her as she continued to hold her face. "I know but we right now we can't stay here." She continued as she took ahold of her little sister's hand and began to lead her away only to be stopped by her pointing in another direction.

"What?" Serena said as she looked in the direction Lena was pointing at. "No, I'm too late." She whispered as she brought her sister closer to her already knowing the next few moments.

"Serena? Lena?" The third voice called out in confusion as to why they were there.

"Bella." The two sisters said in unison as they watched her approach them.

"What are you two doing here?" She asked Serena.

"I could ask you the same thing." She replied to her as she moved her sister more behind her.

"I was just—." Bella trailed off not knowing how to tell her that she just wanted to feel Edward again. "It doesn't matter." She finally replied.

They all turn and see a figure in the distance, it was a man, no, it was a cold one.

"Bella." The cold one said looking straight at Bella ignoring the other two for the time being.

"Laurent." She replied as she stepped closer to Serena like she was really going to protect her. Serena only had one priority right now an that was to keep Lena, her baby sister safe. If she was being honest with herself she didn't care about what might happen to her but she also knew that she had to be there for Lena.

"I didn't expect to find you here." He told her.

Serena held onto her sisters hand as she was still standing in front of her. As Serena was watching the interaction between Bella and the cold one, all the memories came flooding back like a tsunami. This very spot, the clearing she made, the death that followed it. Her father's death, the scars, and those red, ruby, cold blood colored eyes. She brought her other hand to her neck where her scars were, out of habit when she was remembering what happened and that action alone caught the cold ones attention.

"And you've brought the harbinger." He commented as she took a step back from him.

"No." She whispered taking a step away from him.

He used his vampire speed and got as close as he could to her. His hands on her cheek. "Don't be afraid, she's been looking for you too."

"The red head." She told him.

"Ah so you do remember." He replied to her. "Don't you."

"I remember everything." Serena whispered.

"Do you hear them?" Laurent asked her. "The voices? Are they getting louder?"

Serena couldn't answer him though because the voices were getting louder. She wanted to cover her ears from the noise that only she could hear. Serena knew someone was going to die, she knew what was going to happen but she wanted to leave before it happened because she knew he would be angry.

"Yes." The voice was so small.

Serena was about to scream but before she could Laurent grabber her by the throat preventing her from making any noise causing Bella to jump at the action as well as Lena.

"She doesn't want you to interfere with her plans." He told her. "I'll make it quick, you won't feel a thing." He finished saying only to hear her laugh as he was squeezing her throat.

"Legends say— legends say that harbinger's— aren't born as siblings." Serena gasped out.

"They aren't. They're born alone." He replied to her.

"I'm not." She tried saying.

"You're not what?" He questioned her as he let up his hold on her for her to answer.

"Alone." She gasped out. "I'm not alone" She answered him as she whispered out to her sister. "Scream." She finished as Lena did what her sister told her to do. Laurent turned to the girl that was behind the girl he was holding by the neck as she screamed. Lena screamed a banshee scream for the first time since she started drawing, her scream wasn't as powerful as Serena's but it was enough to make him let go of her sister. Bella winced from the yell but was otherwise unbothered. Serena was crouched down in front of her sister still in a protective manner.

Laurent had a murderous yet shocked look on his face. He was about to strike the girl when he heard the sound of twigs snapping and growling. "I don't believe it." He said as all of the girls looked at what he was looking at. It was Sam, his large black wolf frame, coming out of the tree line. He stood tall and ready to strike as the other wolves began to come out of the tree line as well. Sam and the others were shocked to see both sister's there as well as Bella, they were all communicating through their wolf link. It all happened so fast, Laurent turned and used his vampire speed to run away as the wolves began to chase him down. Serena was crouched down holding her throat as she was still in front of Lena protectively, finally she screamed a banshee scream. She knew it was his death she saw, his death the voices were warning her about. 

Bella had to cover her ears as Serena screamed, hers was louder and more prominent than Lenas was. When Serena was done screaming she turned around and grabbed her little sister by her hand and took off in the direction the wolves came out of as Bella ran in her own direction away from the sisters. Serena knew Lena was tired, this was her first scream and even though it wasn't as powerful, it still took a lot out of her. They were both out of breath but you could see the physical toll it took out of Lena so Serena stopped them from running ay further.

"What are you doing? Why are we stopping?" Lena asked her older sister, scared that they weren't safe yet.

Serena crouched down to her sisters level and grabbed her face in her hands. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you but you're tired and we still need to keep going."

"But—" Lena began to protest but was interrupted by Serena who grabbed her pinky finger with her own.

"I promise I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." She promised her just like they used to. Serena didn't want to stop in case there were other cold ones out there and she knew the wolves would catch up to her by scent. So she let Lena climb onto her back as she was going to give her a piggy back ride like she always did when Lena was tired of walking. With the extra weight on her back she was no longer running but walking through the forrest even though she was getting tired herself, she knew she had to keep going. Lena was falling asleep on her sisters back, her eyes growing heavy even though she tried her hardest to stay awake. Serena stopped walking when she heard the snapping of twigs coming not too far from her, she looked in that direction to see if she could see anything but she couldn't. It wasn't until she saw Paul and Embry emerge out of the trees ahead that she visibly relaxed.

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